Library Policies
The purpose of this Collection Development Policy is to guide the selection of library materials and inform the public about the principles upon which selections are made. The “Library Bill of Rights,” as adopted by the American Library Association, and the “Freedom to Read Statement,” issued jointly by the American Library Association and the Association of American Publishers (included in the Appendix) underpin the policy.
The New Rochelle Public Library (NRPL) is a community resource that seeks to improve the life of every citizen in our city. It is dedicated to encouraging learning in all stages of life, to protecting intellectual freedom and to providing fair and equal access to information. Our strategic plan (2021-2026) provides a roadmap for strengthening our resources to ensure the vitality of NRPL.
NRPL offers a comprehensive collection that includes retrospective and current materials; up-to-date technology by which information can be accessed; and a wide range of community services and programs tailored to a diverse audience. Chartered in 1894, NRPL is a School-District Library with its own operating budget and a Board of Trustees comprised of seven elected members. It has served the 79,000 residents of New Rochelle from its Main Library building in the downtown business district since 1979. A smaller branch, located in the park in front of the New Rochelle High School, was restored through a grassroots effort and reopened as the Huguenot Children’s Library (HCL) in 1997.
NRPL is a member of the Westchester Library System (WLS). WLS collaborates with 38 libraries in Westchester County to provide access to resources and services and to enhance and support library service for the more than 940,000 residents. They are one of New York State’s 23 public library systems which were established in 1958 by State Education Law.
NRPL patrons have access to the print and digital collections of 38 member Westchester libraries. Physical materials borrowed from other libraries are delivered to our locations.
NRPL embraces the principles of neurodiversity, equity, and racial understanding in its approach to collections, services and programs. We utilize the lenses of EDISJ (equity, diversity, inclusion and social justice) and ADA (American Disabilities Act) when acquiring materials (in all formats) for our collection.
NRPL selects, acquires, and provides free and open access to appropriate materials regardless of format. The responsibility for the collection rests with NRPL’s executive leadership, the responsibility for selecting and retaining materials is delegated to qualified and knowledgeable staff who employ the criteria outlined in this policy. NRPL makes every attempt to purchase titles which are popular, in demand and requested by our patrons. However, there are instances where the library cannot due to budget restrictions, esoteric nature of the book or lack of wide appeal. In the event the book is not in our collection, we strive to retrieve it from another library.
Usage statistics are continuously monitored and used to evaluate if materials. should be deaccessioned. Condition of materials is also a factor in deselection and replacement.
The deacquisition of materials is scheduled on an ongoing basis. Professional library staff deselect items based on relevance, condition and timeliness. Core and popular materials are replaced with newer editions.
Fiction / Non Fiction
The selection of materials in our collection is a critical and interpretive process. Reviews are the principal tool used in the selection of library materials and electronic resources. Staff members selecting print and digital materials are also influenced by industry publications, authoritative discussions of the subject, publisher and media advertising and demonstrations, popular demand, and requests of library patrons.
In selecting materials for NRPL, the following criteria will be used as they apply:
- Comprehensiveness and depth of treatment; clarity, accuracy, objectivity and logic of presentation; artistic quality and/or literary style as established by reviews in standard selection sources
- Permanence, current relevance, or social significance of the content
- Reputation of author, producer, or publisher
- Contribution to the diversity of viewpoints on controversial issues
- Suitability of the physical format for library use
- Local interest and popularity
Audio/Visual – Audio books, DVDs, Playaway, CDs, etc.
NRPL houses a distinct but limited collection of audio books, playaways and cds. The decreasing interest in physical audio/visual materials and move to digital content is resulting in a reduction in the accumulation of titles in these formats. We continue to maintain a DVD collection of popular films and documentaries.
Digital Content
The digital media collections provide a plethora of content accessible via commonly used Windows, Android and IOS devices, and through a variety of downloadable formats such as ePub, Kindle, PDF, and MP3 and MP4 files.
Selection of digital content can vary among the vendors who supply digital content to the library. NRPL makes every effort to acquire popular and in demand titles in digital formats when possible. However, costs and vendor licensing agreements can hinder acquisition and therefore access.
NRPL also subscribes to streaming services that allow users to stream feature music, films, TV shows, and documentaries and educational content. Materials available through these digital collections are not always curated by NRPL but likely to be selected and maintained by a third party vendor.
Additionally, NRPL receives access to digital content through our relationship with WLS. The content available in these platforms is subject to change due to vendor contracts and licensing agreements. NRPL does not have any control over the content available through the vendors selected by WLS.
NRPL affirms every teen’s right to read, view and listen to content of their choosing. The recreational and informational materials in the Young Adult collection reflect the variety of characters, circumstances, interests and issues familiar to adolescence.
Every title in the young adult collection may not be appropriate or relevant for every young adult. However, parents and guardians have the ultimate responsibility to guide and direct the use of the library by their young adults. The library cannot stand in place of the parent.
NRPL staff responsible for selecting young adult materials refer to professional literature and utilize popular media, awareness and sensitivity
Music Scores
The music scores collection is designed to promote the activities of amateur and student musicians in the New Rochelle community. The collection includes a wide variety of musical genres and styles from classical to contemporary. Areas of focus include piano/vocal/guitar editions of popular music releases, vocal selections from popular Broadway shows, easy piano arrangements of popular songs, operas and large orchestral works in full score, as well as classical piano works from the standard repertoire. NRPL also holds a substantial selection of recorded music on compact disc. This collection is curated to support the general population and includes a wider variety of genres than the scores collection including rap, hip-hop, pop, and world music.
Usage, popularity and condition of the materials are factors considered when deselecting and replacement of items.
Additionally, music streaming service is available through Hoopla, in conjunction with WLS.
Job Information Center
The Job Information Center (JIC) serves patrons who are in the process of seeking or changing their employment status. The collection addresses the needs of all those who are skilling and reskilling for positions in a myriad of private and public sectors. Current volumes on test preparation, resumes and cover letters are replaced with newer editions and reflect trends in local and global labor markets.
Spanish Language Materials
Materials in Spanish are acquired for both adults and children. The collection includes popular and specialized content translated from English to Spanish and original texts.
The children’s collection supports Spanish language acquisition as well as bilingual reading needs.
The Israel Forum Collection
A collection donated by the Israeli Consulate in New York is in honor of Hebrew Language Day, celebrated every year to mark the birth of Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, who was the driving force behind the revival of the Hebrew language in the modern era.
There are materials for both children and adults in this special collection. Topics pertaining to Israeli culture, history, economics, literature and other subjects are at the heart of the collection.
Museum passes
The museum pass program provides educational and stimulating experiences to various cultural, arts, science institutions in Westchester county and New York City. While some passes offer free admission to multiple members, some may only offer a discount. These restrictions are placed by individual museums.
The museum pass program is evaluated annually. Renewals are based on patron usage and costs. New passes are also considered on an annual basis.
The museum pass collection is funded by the NRPL Foundation.
The Library purchases various technologies to reduce the digital divide that exists in our community. The collection acquired will be for both in-house usage and home loan. One of our strategic goals is to provide cutting-edge technology. We will accomplish this through thoughtful acquisition based on funding, demographic and educational needs of the community. In addition to providing access, we will also support the community through hands-on training. Our patrons influence our efforts to ensure equity and diverse experiences in the digital/virtual landscape.
Local History
The focus of the local history collection centers on the history and development of New Rochelle. This significant component of the reference collection is composed of multiple formats, traditional books and ephemera. They include: maps, atlases, genealogical, biographical materials, institutional histories, materials written by local authors, directories, and yearbooks.
NRPL culls the local print media and makes copies of materials that are relevant and about New Rochelle and make them accessible to the public through a clippings file. The files are organized by subjects and are given designated headings in print and digital formats to assist in research. Though the collection focuses on New Rochelle, materials about neighboring communities and Westchester County are included to give context to our own history. Selected sources are replicated in the event of theft, mutilation, or deterioration. Government documents are held for 3 years and made accessible to the general public after which the items are transferred to the Archives.
All materials are located in the E. L Doctorow Local History Room, Newspaper Clippings filing cabinets, and Reference Desk
Local History Archives
NRPL collects, organizes, preserves and provides access to a non-circulating collection of primary and secondary sources that document the history of the City of New Rochelle, its inhabitants, government, environment, businesses, institutions and organizations.
The collection includes, but is not limited to, published books, photographs, government documents or facsimiles, maps, manuscripts, pamphlets, newspapers, serials, audio-visual materials, institutional or organization records, personal papers, electronic records, scrapbooks and other historical materials that relate to New Rochelle.
The collections are housed in the E. L. Doctorow Local History Room and Karen S. Allen Archive Room. The Local History Room is accessible to the public. However patrons aged 18 years and younger must be accompanied by an adult when visiting the E. L Doctorow or the archives room.
NRPL follows these criteria to select donations appropriate for local history collections:
- Relevance to New Rochelle
- Authenticity of record
- Suitability of the subject to the local history collection
- Non-duplication of material within the collection, or with other area archives
- Quality and integrity of material
- Cost to preserve, store and process
- Security requirements to store and/or display
- Restrictions by the donor
Donated items may be accepted in any format, including manuscript, printed, or digital. Photographs and documents may be removed from their frames at the discretion of the NRPL if accepted into the collection. Three dimensional objects or artifacts will not be accepted by NRPL unless they can be properly housed and are deemed appropriate to the collection.
NRPL will not accept material that can harm other materials in the collection, such as anything that shows damage or infestation from mold, mildew, water, insects, smoke, or dirt. NRPL reserves the right to decline donations of any kind, for any reason and may also decide not to accept items which it cannot properly store, display, or otherwise care for. While it is under no obligation to do so, when possible and appropriate, NRPL may provide alternate locations or recipients of donations which NRPL cannot accept.
NRPL strives to organize, preserve, and provide access to its archival collections of original documents according to standard archival procedures and best practices. A finding aid (a description of a collection with a container content list) will be prepared for each collection which will be accessible to the public unless restrictions apply. The materials in each named collection are organized according to the original order when possible and are stored placed in acid-free archival containers.
Our significant collections of works by local authors, New Rochelle residents are collected based on: historical significance, subject matter, and quality of the work – which is determined by the library staff. The staff will also determine the appropriate location for all materials donated to the collection.
The library acquires local history materials containing substantial information of significant research value and avoiding repetitive and derivative publications. Whenever possible the Library attempts to acquire materials through non-purchase means, such as collection gifts by the author or another party.
Additions to the Collection
Because history is created daily, materials that meet the selection criteria and add value to the collections of the Local History Room and Karen S. Allen Archive will be reviewed for possible acceptance into NRPL’s archival collection.
In order to establish the transfer of ownership, NRPL requires that a Deed of Gift form be completed by the donor and the Archivist. Once the Deed of Gift form is signed by the donor, the donated item becomes the property of the NRPL.
The NRPL will accept material with access-limiting restrictions only when the restrictions are reasonable and necessary to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the donor. Such restrictions will be recorded on the Deed of Gift form and will be adhered to by NRPL. All restrictions will specify a date when full access will be granted.
Materials in the local history collection (especially photographs and negatives) may be scanned and placed on the Internet for viewing, may be moved from the local history collection to other sections of the NRPL, may be sold, or be transferred to another library. NRPL may offer the deaccessioned materials to appropriate institutions or return them to the donor.
For more detailed information, please consult the Local History Policy and Procedure document.
The Children’s Collection is developed and maintained to meet the learning needs and interests of New Rochelle residents from infancy to age eleven. It is also appropriate for parents, caregivers, teachers, students, guardians, and youth workers who seek to create positive and productive environments for children.
The materials found in the Children room are available in a variety of formats including magazines, CDs, DVDs and digital. The collection also maintains materials in varying Lexile levels.
The collection contains the following genres and categories
- Board Books
- Picture Books
- Easy Readers
- Chapter Books
- Graphic Novels
- Nonfiction
- Biographies
- Magazines
- Digital Books/Materials
- Audio/Visual – audiobooks, DVDs, CDs and read-alongs, such as Wonderbooks
The books purchased for the collection are intended to be representative of various development levels and personal identities. The staff rely on industry experts, trends and media sources to inform purchases. We also accept suggestions from our patrons and comply if it meets our criteria.
Some materials in the Children’s Collection might not be considered appropriate by all adults for all children. While some books contain topics not thought suitable for one child, another child and their adult caregiver may find the same books with the same content appropriate and of value. Only each child and their parent or caregiver can decide what material is suitable for that child to read.
HCL or the ”little brick house” on North Ave had functioned as a branch of NRPL for seventy years before it was closed down. Budget cuts and damage from an arson fire forced its closure. A committed group of people came together to form the Partnership for Huguenot Children’s Library. They reimagined the space and fundraised to build HCL which opened in 1997.
HCL is located in the north end of New Rochelle. The first floor has picture books, easy readers, board books, as well as the Gabrielle’s Wings corner (books on kindness and diversity), DVDs, and CDs, games computers for the very young, and entertainment such as a puzzle area, a treehouse dollhouse, and a play table. The second floor holds young readers’ books. Our programs for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and older (chess, art club, etc.) are held in the basement and on the patio in the back.
HCL also purchases print materials for children from birth through age eleven. Due to its limited physical space, the collection is restricted to contemporary, popular and award winning children’s titles. While CDs and DVDs are available, HCL no longer purchases new, physical A/V titles because of its waning popularity. The nonfiction collection leans toward books that inform and entertain rather than for academic purposes such as school assignments.
NRPL materials in all formats and languages reflect general and contemporary interest, trend and timeliness. Materials are deaccessioned if information is expired or no longer current. The NRPL adheres to the CREW method for print and ebooks when weeding materials from our collection. The CREW method provides librarians the guidance necessary to ensure that the collection is current, relevant, vital and useful. This manual was developed by the Texas State Library and Archives
Patrons looking to add titles to our collection should submit a suggest an item for purchase form. We consider each suggestion carefully and will purchase the item if it meets our collection development criteria and fiscal abilities.
NRPL receives gift materials and/or donations by independent writers and creators for inclusion in the library collection. Such materials will have a higher chance of being added if they are reviewed in journals such Foreword, Independent Publisher, and Small Press Review. A review in any of the national, industry sources such as Booklist, Kirkus Reviews, Library Journal, Publisher’s Weekly, or School Library Journal would also increase the likelihood of the item being added to the library catalog.
Donations of books and physical audio/visual materials can also be made to the Friends of New Rochelle Public Library.
Patron suggestion(s) for materials can be placed and will be reviewed in a timely fashion. All requests are given thoughtful consideration. If the item has mass appeal and/or is well reviewed in industry publications, the title is added. NRPL makes all attempts to include items suggested by our customers.
Adopted by the NRPL Board of Trustees on March 23, 2023
Click here for Printable version
Reconsideration of Library Resources Policy
The New Rochelle Public Library (NRPL) is a community resource that seeks to improve the life of every resident in our city. The Library serves the 80,000+ residents of New Rochelle from its Main Library branch and the Huguenot Children’s Library. NRPL is dedicated to encouraging learning in all stages of life, protecting intellectual freedom and providing fair and equal access to information.
The development and maintenance of the NRPL’s collection is based on the principles of intellectual freedom as embodied by The Library Bill of Rights, The Freedom to Read and the Freedom to View statements of the American Library Association. The aim is to have a collection diverse and inclusive in content, authorship and format.
NRPL is aware that patrons may take issue with the inclusion of specific items and they welcome the expression of concern by library users. These concerns will be addressed responsively as detailed in the Reconsideration of Library Resources process below.
NRPL’s resources and selections are made on the merits of industry reviews, relevance, timeliness and budgetary considerations. Our collection reflects the recreational and learning needs and interests of a diverse population. The choice of reading, listening and viewing materials and resources is purely an individual matter. Patrons have the right to freely examine subjects and make their own decisions on the materials and resources they read or select, however, they may not exercise censorship to restrict the freedom of others to read, see or hear.
Adult caregivers and parents may choose materials and resources they deem appropriate for their children. Responsibility for the use of library services by minor children rests with their parents or legal guardians. Although patrons may select material for themselves and for their minor children, individual patrons are not permitted to restrict the freedom of other patrons to read, see or hear. It is the goal of NRPL to ensure that different points of view are represented in the materials and resources provided in the library’s collections. Inclusion of a particular resource by the Library does not constitute endorsement or advocacy of the ideas or statements found therein.
The Library will re-evaluate the selection or placement of a specific item in its collection upon submission of a fully completed Request for Reconsideration of Library Resources form. These forms are available at the Information Desk at the Main Branch of the library and online. Forms will be accepted from NRPL adult library cardholders who are residents of New Rochelle and who have read, viewed, or listened to the material in its entirety. For the duration of the reconsideration process, the material or resource in question will remain in circulation in the library collection.
Only one Reconsideration form per material or resource title will be considered at a time. Only one Request for Reconsideration of Library Resources form can be submitted per household and each form may request reconsideration for one title only.
Forms must be completed in their entirety, including the date, the cardholder’s legal name, address, phone number, library card number, signature, and rationale for reconsideration and requested action. The cardholder must indicate on the form that they have read the library’s applicable policies in their entirety. Incomplete forms cannot be reviewed.
Reconsideration of Library Resources Process
1) Completed forms should be submitted online or delivered, as appropriate, to the Head of Adult Services, or Head of Children’s Services, with a copy to the Director.
2) The Director, in consultation with the appropriate Department Head(s), will review the completed Reconsideration form and make a decision. The Director will respond to the Reconsideration form in writing, notifying the patron of the determination.
3) If the cardholder is not satisfied with the Director’s determination, they may submit a written appeal to the Director within two weeks of receiving the decision. The written appeal to the Director may not exceed two pages, single sided, double spaced. The Director will share the appeal with The Board of Trustees. The Director’s determination may be appealed to the Library Board of Trustees, whose decision is final and binding.
4) The Board of Trustees’ Policy Committee will discuss the request. The full Board will make a decision and will respond in writing, generally by the conclusion of the second regularly scheduled meeting following receipt of the appeal. The Board’s decision is final and binding.
5) Materials and resources that have been through the reconsideration process cannot be reconsidered for three years. Future requests for reevaluating the same item will be addressed only if the grounds for reconsideration are substantially different from previous requests.
6) For the duration of this process, the material or resource in question will remain in circulation in the library collection.
Adopted by the NRPL Board of Trustees on March 23, 2023
Revised by the NRPL Board of Trustees on December 12, 2024
Click here for printable version of policy
Click here for printable version of Request for Reconsideration of Library Resources form
The freedom to read is essential to our democracy. It is continuously under attack. Private groups and public authorities in various parts of the country are working to remove or limit access to reading materials, to censor content in schools, to label “controversial” views, to distribute lists of “objectionable” books or authors, and to purge libraries. These actions apparently rise from a view that our national tradition of free expression is no longer valid; that censorship and suppression are needed to counter threats to safety or national security, as well as to avoid the subversion of politics and the corruption of morals. We, as individuals devoted to reading and as librarians and publishers responsible for disseminating ideas, wish to assert the public interest in the preservation of the freedom to read.
Most attempts at suppression rest on a denial of the fundamental premise of democracy: that the ordinary individual, by exercising critical judgment, will select the good and reject the bad. We trust Americans to recognize propaganda and misinformation, and to make their own decisions about what they read and believe. We do not believe they are prepared to sacrifice their heritage of a free press in order to be “protected” against what others think may be bad for them. We believe they still favor free enterprise in ideas and expression.
These efforts at suppression are related to a larger pattern of pressures being brought against education, the press, art and images, films, broadcast media, and the Internet. The problem is not only one of actual censorship. The shadow of fear cast by these pressures leads, we suspect, to an even larger voluntary curtailment of expression by those who seek to avoid controversy or unwelcome scrutiny by government officials.
Such pressure toward conformity is perhaps natural to a time of accelerated change. And yet suppression is never more dangerous than in such a time of social tension. Freedom has given the United States the elasticity to endure strain. Freedom keeps open the path of novel and creative solutions, and enables change to come by choice.
Every silencing of a heresy, every enforcement of an orthodoxy, diminishes the toughness and resilience of our society and leaves it the less able to deal with controversy and difference.
Now as always in our history, reading is among our greatest freedoms. The freedom to read and write is almost the only means for making generally available ideas or manners of expression that can initially command only a small audience. The written word is the natural medium for the new idea and the untried voice from which come the original contributions to social growth. It is essential to the extended discussion that serious thought requires, and to the accumulation of knowledge and ideas into organized collections.
We believe that free communication is essential to the preservation of a free society and a creative culture. We believe that these pressures toward conformity present the danger of limiting the range and variety of inquiry and expression on which our democracy and our culture depend. We believe that every American community must jealously guard the freedom to publish and to circulate, in order to preserve its own freedom to read. We believe that publishers and librarians have a profound responsibility to give validity to that freedom to read by making it possible for the readers to choose freely from a variety of offerings.
The freedom to read is guaranteed by the Constitution. Those with faith in free people will stand firm on these constitutional guarantees of essential rights and will exercise the responsibilities that accompany these rights.
We therefore affirm these propositions:
1. It is in the public interest for publishers and librarians to make available the widest diversity of views and expressions, including those that are unorthodox, unpopular, or considered dangerous by the majority.
Creative thought is by definition new, and what is new is different. The bearer of every new thought is a rebel until that idea is refined and tested. Totalitarian systems attempt to maintain themselves in power by the ruthless suppression of any concept that challenges the established orthodoxy.
The power of a democratic system to adapt to change is vastly strengthened by the freedom of its citizens to choose widely from among conflicting opinions offered freely to them. To stifle every nonconformist idea at birth would mark the end of the democratic process. Furthermore, only through the constant activity of weighing and selecting can the democratic mind attain the strength demanded by times like these. We need to know not only what we believe but why we believe it.
2. Publishers, librarians, and booksellers do not need to endorse every idea or presentation they make available. It would conflict with the public interest for them to establish their own political, moral, or aesthetic views as a standard for determining what should be published or circulated.
Publishers and librarians serve the educational process by helping to make available knowledge and ideas required for the growth of the mind and the increase of learning. They do not foster education by imposing as mentors the patterns of their own thought. The people should have the freedom to read and consider a broader range of ideas than those that may be held by any single librarian or publisher or government or church. It is wrong that what one can read should be confined to what another thinks proper.
3. It is contrary to the public interest for publishers or librarians to bar access to writings on the basis of the personal history or political affiliations of the author.
No art or literature can flourish if it is to be measured by the political views or private lives of its creators. No society of free people can flourish that draws up lists of writers to whom it will not listen, whatever they may have to say.
4. There is no place in our society for efforts to coerce the taste of others, to confine adults to the reading matter deemed suitable for adolescents, or to inhibit the efforts of writers to achieve artistic expression.
To some, much of modern expression is shocking. But is not much of life itself shocking? We cut off literature at the source if we prevent writers from dealing with the stuff of life. Parents and teachers have a responsibility to prepare the young to meet the diversity of experiences in life to which they will be exposed, as they have a responsibility to help them learn to think critically for themselves.
These are affirmative responsibilities, not to be discharged simply by preventing them from reading works for which they are not yet prepared. In these matters values differ, and values cannot be legislated; nor can machinery be devised that will suit the demands of one group without limiting the freedom of others.
5. It is not in the public interest to force a reader to accept the prejudgment of a label characterizing any expression or its author as subversive or dangerous.
The ideal of labeling presupposes the existence of individuals or groups with wisdom to determine by authority what is good or bad for others. It presupposes that individuals must be directed in making up their minds about the ideas they examine. But Americans do not need others to do their thinking for them.
6. It is the responsibility of publishers and librarians, as guardians of the people’s freedom to read, to contest encroachments upon that freedom by individuals or groups seeking to impose their own standards or tastes upon the community at large; and by the government whenever it seeks to reduce or deny public access to public information.
It is inevitable in the give and take of the democratic process that the political, the moral, or the aesthetic concepts of an individual or group will occasionally collide with those of another individual or group. In a free society individuals are free to determine for themselves what they wish to read, and each group is free to determine what it will recommend to its freely associated members.
But no group has the right to take the law into its own hands, and to impose its own concept of politics or morality upon other members of a democratic society. Freedom is no freedom if it is accorded only to the accepted and the inoffensive. Further, democratic societies are more safe, free, and creative when the free flow of public information is not restricted by governmental prerogative or self-censorship.
7. It is the responsibility of publishers and librarians to give full meaning to the freedom to read by providing books that enrich the quality and diversity of thought and expression. By the exercise of this affirmative responsibility, they can demonstrate that the answer to a “bad” book is a good one, the answer to a “bad” idea is a good one.
The freedom to read is of little consequence when the reader cannot obtain matter fit for that reader’s purpose.
What is needed is not only the absence of restraint, but the positive provision of opportunity for the people to read the best that has been thought and said. Books are the major channel by which the intellectual inheritance is handed down, and the principal means of its testing and growth. The defense of the freedom to read requires of all publishers and librarians the utmost of their faculties, and deserves of all Americans the fullest of their support.
We state these propositions neither lightly nor as easy generalizations. We here stake out a lofty claim for the value of the written word. We do so because we believe that it is possessed of enormous variety and usefulness, worthy of cherishing and keeping free. We realize that the application of these propositions may mean the dissemination of ideas and manners of expression that are repugnant to many persons. We do not state these propositions in the comfortable belief that what people read is unimportant. We believe rather that what people read is deeply important; that ideas can be dangerous; but that the suppression of ideas is fatal to a democratic society. Freedom itself is a dangerous way of life, but it is ours.
(Adopted June 25, 1953, by the ALA Council and the AAP Freedom to Read Committee; amended January 28, 1972; January 16, 1991; July 12, 2000; June 30, 2004.)NEW ROCHELLE PUBLIC LIBRARY
The Freedom to View, along with the Freedom to Speak, to Hear, and to Read, is protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. In a free society, there is no place for censorship of any medium of expression. Therefore these principles are affirmed.- To provide the broadest access to film, video and other audiovisual materials because they are a means for the communication of ideas. Liberty of circulation is essential to insure the constitutional guarantee of freedom of expression.
- To protect the confidentiality of all individuals and institutions using film, video, and other audiovisual materials.
- To provide film, video, and other audiovisual materials which represent a diversity of views and expression. Selection of a work does not constitute or imply agreement with or approval of the content.
- To provide a diversity of viewpoints without the constraint of labeling or prejudicing film, video, or other audiovisual materials on the basis of the moral, religious, or political beliefs of the producer or filmmaker or on the basis of controversial content.
- To contest vigorously, by all lawful means, every encroachment upon the public’s freedom to view.
This statement was originally drafted by the Freedom to View Committee of the American Film and Video Association (formerly the Educational Film Library Association) and was adopted by the AFVA Board of Directors in February 1979.
This statement was updated and approved by the AFVA Board of Directors in 1989. Endorsed January 10, 1990 by the ALA Council.
Adopted by the NRPL Board of Trustees on July 9, 2009
Click here for a printable version.
- Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves.
- Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.
- Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues.
- Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.
- Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.
- Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas.
- A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views.
- Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.
Adopted by the NRPL Board of Trustees on July 9, 2009
New Rochelle Public Library
Code of Conduct Policy
Rules and Regulations for Public Behavior
Examples of prohibited activities include but are not limited to:
- Creating unreasonable noise and engaging in boisterous activity or loud and disruptive talking on the phone
- Using profane, obscene or abusive language, including but not limited to hate speech based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation
- Sleeping
- Eating or drinking except for events as authorized by the Director
- Using audible devices without headphones or using headphones set at a volume that disturbs others. Using any communication devices in a manner that disturbs others
- Running, pushing, fighting or shoving
- Intentionally damaging, destroying or stealing any materials, equipment or property belonging to the Library, another patron or staff member
- Soliciting, panhandling or gambling on Library property
- Adult card or board games on Library property unless authorized by Library administration
- Trespassing or entering Library property when banned or when the library is closed
- Leaving children under ten years of age unattended
- Bringing into the Library oversized bags, suitcases, bags with wheels, or four-wheeled carts that impair clear access to aisles, stairways, walkways and seating.
- Operating roller skates, cycles, skateboards, scooters or other similar devices (except mobility devices) inside the Library
- Failing to comply with a reasonable staff request or failure to leave the Library during emergencies and at closing time
- Blocking aisles, stairs, exits or entrances
- Smoking, chewing tobacco or other tobacco or e-cigarette use
- Improper dress including not wearing foot wear (except when medically necessary) or a shirt/top
- Personal hygiene that poses a health risk, including offensive odors that reasonably interfere with the use of the library by other patrons or the work of Library staff members.
- Spitting
- Using restrooms for bathing, shaving or washing of clothes
- Bringing animals inside Library buildings, with the exception of certified service animals and those allowed during special Library programs
- Use, possession or brandishing of weapons or items that could cause potential harm.
- Possessing, selling, or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs
- Sexual, physical, or other harassment
- Engaging in peeping, stalking, or indecent exposure
Enforcement of the Library Use Policy
Biblioteca pública de New Rochelle
Política de Código de Conducta
Reglas y Regulaciones para el Comportamiento Público
La Biblioteca Pública de New Rochelle es un recurso comunitario que busca mejorar la vida de todos los residentes de nuestra ciudad. Se dedica a fomentar el aprendizaje en todas las etapas de la vida, proteger la libertad intelectual y brindar un acceso justo y equitativo a la información, sin discriminación, intimidación, amenaza de daño o invasión de la privacidad. La Biblioteca Pública de New Rochelle se dedica a brindar un servicio amable, cortés y respetuoso al igual que un ambiente limpio y cómodo para todos los usuarios de la biblioteca.
Algunos ejemplos de actividades prohibidas:
∙Crear ruido irrazonable y participar en actividades bulliciosas o hablar en voz alta y disruptiva por teléfono.
∙Usar lenguaje profano, obsceno o abusivo, incluido, entre otros, discursos de odio basado en raza, etnia, religión, identidad de género u orientación sexual.
∙Estar durmiendo.
∙Comer o beber en el edificio, excepto en eventos autorizados por el Director.
∙Usar dispositivos audibles sin auriculares o con un volumen alto que moleste a los demás. Usar cualquier dispositivo portátil o electrónico de una manera que moleste a los demás.
∙Correr, empujar, golpear o pelear.
∙Dañar, destruir o robar intencionalmente cualquier material, equipo o propiedad que pertenezca a la biblioteca, a otro usuario o miembro del personal.
∙Solicitar, mendigar o apostar en la propiedad de la biblioteca.
∙Participar en juegos de cartas o de mesa para adultos en cualquier propiedad del edificio, a menos que estén autorizados por la administración de la biblioteca. Traspasar o ingresar a la propiedad cuando está prohibido o cuando la biblioteca está cerrada.
∙Dejar niños menores de diez años desatendidos.
∙Traer a la biblioteca maletas, bolsos grandes o con ruedas, carritos de cuatro ruedas de gran tamaño que impidan el acceso despejado a pasillos, escaleras y asientos.
∙Uso de patines, bicicletas, monopatines, scooters u otros dispositivos similares (excepto dispositivos de movilidad) dentro de la biblioteca.
∙No cumplir con una solicitud razonable del personal o no salir de la biblioteca durante emergencias y a la hora de cierre.
∙Estar bloqueando pasillos, escaleras, salidas o entradas del edificio.
∙Fumar, mascar tabaco, uso de cigarrillos electrónicos u otro tipo de sustancias.
∙Vestimenta inadecuada; no usar calzado (excepto cuando sea médicamente necesario) o camisa/top.
∙Falta de higiene personal que represente un riesgo para la salud, incluidos los olores ofensivos que interfieran razonablemente con el uso de la biblioteca por parte de otros usuarios o entorpezcan el trabajo de los miembros del personal del edificio.
∙Usar los baños para bañarse, afeitarse o lavar la ropa.
∙Llevar animales dentro de los edificios de la biblioteca, con la excepción de los animales de servicio certificados y aquellos permitidos durante los programas especiales de la biblioteca.
∙Usar, poseer o portar armas u objetos que puedan causar daños a terceros. Poseer, vender o estar bajo la influencia de alcohol o drogas ilegales.
∙Acoso sexual, físico o de cualquier otro tipo.
∙Participar en espionaje, acecho o exposición indecente.
Cumplimiento de la Política de Uso de la Biblioteca
La aplicación de la Política de uso de la biblioteca se llevará a cabo de manera justa y razonable. El personal de la biblioteca, el personal de seguridad y/o el Departamento de Policía de New Rochelle intervendrán para detener las actividades y comportamientos prohibidos. Aquellas personas que no cumplan con el reglamento de uso de la biblioteca; se les puede pedir que abandonen el edificio y la propiedad de la biblioteca, se les puede prohibir la entrada al edificio por un período de tiempo y pueden estar sujetos a arresto u a otras acciones legales.
Adoptado por la Junta Directiva de la Biblioteca Pública de New Rochelle el 14 de febrero de 2017
Haga click aquí para imprimir.
New Rochelle Board of Library
Library Hours of Operation
The New Rochelle Board of Library Trustees present the following hours as formal hours of operation for the New Rochelle Public Library.
Regular Hours of Operation: | ||
Main Library | Huguenot Children’s Library | |
Monday | 9am – 8pm | 10am – 5pm |
Tuesday | 9am – 8pm | 10am – 6pm |
Wednesday | 10am – 6pm | 10am – 5pm |
Thursday | 9am – 8pm | 10am – 6pm |
Friday | 9am – 5pm | 10am – 5pm |
Saturday | 9am – 5pm | 10am – 5pm |
Sunday | 1pm – 5pm | Closed |
Summer Hours of Operation: | ||
Main Library | Huguenot Children’s Library | |
Monday | 9am – 8pm | 10am – 5pm |
Tuesday | 9am – 8pm | 10am – 6pm |
Wednesday | 10am – 6pm | 10am – 8pm |
Thursday | 9am – 8pm | 10am – 6pm |
Friday | 9am – 5pm | 10am – 5pm |
Saturday | 10am – 2pm | Closed |
Sunday | Closed | Closed |
Note: All Main Library and Huguenot Children’s Library Sunday hours and Main Library Summer Saturday hours are dependent on appropriate budget funding.
Adopted by NRPL Board of Trustees on September 10, 2009
Click here for a printable version.
New Rochelle Public Library
Ossie Davis Theater and Meeting Room
Purpose and limits of use. The Library welcomes the use of its meeting room and theater by community organizations for activities and purposes that are in keeping with the Library’s civic, cultural, social, intellectual and educational goals. The facilities are made available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use. However, Library facilities may not be used for meetings by political parties, or for campaigns, or for religious services. Neither may the facilities be used for illegal purposes, such as inciting violence, promulgating obscenity, infringing property rights, violating the civil rights of any individuals, groups, or organizations within the New Rochelle community, or otherwise engage in activities that violate city, state or federal laws.
No commercial uses. The facilities may not be used for fundraising purposes, except by the Friends of the Library and the New Rochelle Public Library Foundation. No fees, dues or donations may be charged or solicited for any program unless specifically pre-approved by the Library Director in writing. Meeting rooms may not be used by renters for commercial (i.e., for-profit) purposes, including investment seminars, sales/service demonstrations, programs by competitive health care insurance entities, etc. No promotional materials to solicit business may be distributed at meetings except to identify and/or recognize a business sponsor for its support of a non-profit event.
No endorsement. Rental of meeting rooms does not imply endorsement of the organization renting rooms, their beliefs or activities. Meeting rooms are made available as a public service and booking a room in no way constitutes validation of the program or philosophy of the group or individuals using the facilities.
Publicity. Organizations may not imply that an event or meeting is sponsored, co-sponsored or endorsed by the Library in any advertising or publicity. The logo for the Library may not be used without written permission from the Library Director. Unless the event is being co sponsored by the Library, groups are responsible for their own publicity. All publicity must be approved by Library no less than one week prior to event. Any publicity must include the following statement “this event is not produced, affiliated with or sponsored by the New Rochelle Public Library.” The Library has the right to cancel event if program is being misrepresented in any publicity.
Meeting rooms are available based on the following priority:
1. Library Programs (those presented or co-sponsored by the Library);
2. Meetings sponsored by City departments, Library-related organizations, and open public
hearings sponsored by elected public officials;
3. Open meetings of non-profit organizations for civic, cultural, social, intellectual and/or
educational purposes held during normal Library hours; and
4. Other events and programs sponsored by organizations for civic, cultural, social,
intellectual and/or educational purposes after normal Library hours.
Reservations. An applicant may reserve meeting rooms on an occasional basis, no more than three months in advance. Rooms may not be reserved for regular meetings (i.e., weekly, monthly, etc.), unless approved by the Library Director. The Library reserves the right to determine the number of events that will be held simultaneously at its facilities. Reservations are made through the Library’s Community Relations Office (914-813-3706). An Applicant requesting a reservation must be an authorized adult representative of the organization intending to use the room. After the Library receives an application, an invoice for the room rental will be rendered and this invoice constitutes the Library’s acceptance of the reservation. Payment is due and payable within ten (10) days of invoice in order to confirm the reservation. Upon Payment, the Applicant is thereafter referred to as the “Renter”.
Canceling a reservation. The Renter must notify the Community Relations Office by telephone and in writing as soon as possible before the meeting date. The Renter has the option to reschedule the meeting, if the room is available, and if the meeting is not rescheduled the reservation fee will be refunded. If Renter cancels within 48 hours of scheduled event or does not show, full payment will be forfeited.
Library cancellations. Reservations for meeting rooms may be canceled by Library (subject to refund of fees) on at least ten (10) days’ notice to Renter at the direction of the Library Director. Cancellation of meeting room reservations may be made on no less than 24 hours’ notice if cancellation is deemed necessary by the Library Director for emergency purposes or otherwise deemed in the best interests of the Library. If the Library closes due to an emergency (e.g. weather), all meetings are canceled. The Library will inform the media about closings. Library will make best efforts to reschedule event or refund if necessary.
Responsibility for room. The Renter is responsible for the conduct of the meeting, payment of fees, and reimbursing the Library for any damage to furniture, equipment or carpets. The Renter, or an authorized adult representative of the Renter must be in attendance at all times during the meeting. When using the stage in the Ossie Davis Theater, the Renter is required to put down carpeting prior to set up when using any form of drums, amplifiers or heavy equipment of any kind. Rooms must be left neat and in good order. Trash must be disposed of in refuse containers provided. Failure to maintain the room may result in additional billing for expenses incurred by Library resulting from any damage to the premises or equipment.
Food and drink. Receptions where food is being served must receive prior approval. The library cannot provide kitchen facilities. Food requiring heating devices is not permitted. Food and drink are not permitted in the theater. Consumption of alcoholic beverages in the Library, including meeting rooms, is prohibited, unless approved by Library Director.
Staff. Facility rental does not include the presence of an NRPL staff person at the event. Renters may visit the facility prior to event for guidance on use of facility technology. Also, the library has limited maintenance staff and cannot guarantee that room changes on the day of the event can be accommodated.
Storage. The Library cannot provide storage for the property of individuals or organizations meeting there, or accept shipments addressed to them, or provide special parking for those meetings. No individual or organization may use the Library as its mailing address or for the receipt of telephone calls. The Library does not supply porter service or storage space for supplies and equipment.
Insurance. The New Rochelle Public Library allows the use of its facilities with the understanding that the Library accepts no responsibility for the personal safety of attendees, or for damage, loss or theft of personal property. The Library will not be responsible for the loss of, or damage to equipment, supplies or other materials owned by an organization or individual. The Renter will be solely responsible for any and all such liabilities.
All Library rules apply. All persons using the facilities are subject to all Library rules and regulations. Programs may not disrupt the use of the Library by others. Fire codes must be observed at all times. Room occupancy may not exceed legal limits and furniture and equipment may not block aisles and exits. Smoking is prohibited at all times. Use of cell phones and other electronic devices must be in accordance with all Library policies.
Policy Changes. All of the aforementioned library policies are subject to change at the sole discretion ofthe Library, and the Board of Trustees, with such changes effective upon written notice to all Applicants and Renters. Upon notice of policy changes, Applicants will be entitled to withdraw their application and Renters will be entitled to cancel their event and receive a full refund.
For additional information, please contact: New Rochelle Public Library Community Relations Office
Phone: (914) 813-3706, Email:
Adopted by the New Rochelle Public Library Board of Trustees on January 11, 2024
Click here to view a printable version.
New Rochelle Public Library
Patron Complaint Policy
While the New Rochelle Public Library endeavors to provide the highest levels of satisfaction and library services to its patrons, we recognize that occasionally, patrons may wish to raise a complaint pertaining to an issue which interferes with their use and enjoyment of the Library.
A Library patron initially may choose to raise his or her complaint on an informal, verbal basis with the Library’s staff. In the event that the patron elects not to do so, or that the complaint proves not susceptible to informal resolution, the patron should request and complete a Patron Complaint Form (see attached). The Library Director will review promptly all completed Complaint Forms, and where appropriate, attempt to resolve the complaint directly.
If the patron is not satisfied with the response provided, and/or if the Director identifies the situation as one in which Board input is warranted, either or both parties may bring the written complaint to the attention of the Board of Trustees. Patrons desiring to do so may also request an opportunity to address the Board at one of its monthly meetings.
The Board will promptly review all complaints presented to it, provide a verbal and/or a written response to the complainant, and take any further remedial action warranted by the particular circumstances. The decision of the Board of Trustees with respect to a complaint shall be final.
Adopted by the NRPL Board of Trustees on January 14, 2010
The New Rochelle Public Library
Policy on Public Use of the Internet
Guidelines on Access to Information
The New Rochelle Public Library is guided by the following American Library Association statements on access to information:
The Library Bill of Rights
Freedom to Read Statement
Freedom to View Statement
To fulfill its mission of providing public access to information of all types in a wide range of formats, the Library provides access to Internet resources.
The Library is guided by a commitment to access to information policies that provide appropriate protections to its users while being consistent with the Library’s longstanding commitment to the principles of free expression as set forth in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Staff Assistance and Instruction
Library staff will assist users with the Internet as time permits. For adult assistance, see the second floor information desk. For assistance with children’s use of the Internet, see the staff in the children’s area. For free Internet instruction, see the Calendar* for topics and schedule of classes.
Choosing and Evaluating Sources
Information found on the Internet may be inaccurate, incomplete, dated, or offensive to some individuals. The Library specifically encourages users to evaluate the validity and appropriateness of information found. The Library also specifically disclaims any warranty or endorsement of information accessed on the Internet. The Library assumes no responsibility for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from the use of its electronic services, or from its connections to Internet services though any Internet service provider.
Access by Minors
Library users access the Internet at their own discretion. As with library materials, the restriction of a child’s access to the Internet is the responsibility of the parent/legal guardian. Library staff reserve the right to terminate a minor’s Internet session if the site/content is judged inappropriate. With regard to children and teenagers, the library recommends that parents/legal guardians take an active interest in their children’s online use.
Rules Governing Use
The Library reserves the right to limit the amount of time for an Internet session and the number of sessions per day for an individual user as well as to set limits on accessing, downloading and/or printing large files. The Library further reserves the right to exercise discretion in any matter concerning Internet usage in the Children’s Room. Users must comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, including laws governing the transmission and dissemination of information while accessing the Internet, and with all Library policies and procedures. This policy applies to all Library Internet usage, regardless of the source of the Internet connection or the ownership of the device accessing the Internet.
Prohibited Uses
Users may not use the Internet:
To make unauthorized entry into any communication service or resource.
To invade the privacy of others.
In violation of copyright law, program or data licenses, or other intellectual property protections.
To view provocative sexual imagery.
To engage in any activity that is harassing or defamatory.
To make any attempt to alter or damage computer equipment or software.
To access any social networking site in the Children’s Room, unless it is either school related or authorized by staff.
In a manner inconsistent with the Library’s tax-exempt status or its proper operation.
For any illegal activity.
Public Users’ Security
Users should be aware that the Internet is not a secure medium and that third parties may be able to obtain information regarding users’ activities. The Library will not release information on the use of specific Internet resources by members of the public except as required by law or necessary for the proper operation of the Library.
Safe Communications
The Library recommends the following guidelines for adults and minors when using the Internet:
Never give out identifying information, such as name, social security number, personal account information, home address, school name or telephone number about yourself or any other person.
Let parents or guardians decide whether personal information such as age, family or financial information should be revealed.
Never arrange a face-to-face meeting with someone via the computer without parents’ or guardians’ approval.
Never respond to messages that are suggestive, obscene, threatening, or make one uncomfortable.
If anyone becomes aware of the transmission of child pornography, notify staff immediately.
Remember that people online may not be who they say they are.
Remember that everything communicated online may not be true.
When you are finished, remember to log out of your Internet account and terminate your Internet session. Never select an option to store or remember passwords.
The Library reserves the right to take appropriate action to insure compliance with this policy. Violations may result in loss of access. Unlawful activities will be dealt with in an appropriate manner.
Adopted by the New Rochelle Public Library Board of Trustees on April 13, 2017.
Click here to view a printable version.
Chromebook, iPad, and Hotspots for New Rochelle Public Library Patrons Borrowing Policy
The New Rochelle Public Library (NRPL) is pleased to offer New Rochelle residents with a NRPL library card in good standing, the opportunity to borrow Chromebooks, iPads and Hotspots.
Adults eighteen and older can check out Chromebooks, iPads OR Hotspots
- A patron library card and photo ID must be provided at check-out.
- Patrons can borrow one device at a time.
- Patrons can not change the device’s existing configuration. They cannot delete, or download any software, apps, etc.
Check-out Procedure
A patron borrowing a NRPL Chromebook, iPad OR Hotspot must read and agree to the New Rochelle Public Library’s Technology Lending Policy and Computer and Internet Use Policy.
- Patrons may place a hold on a Chromebook, iPad or Hotspot for a specific date by using the public catalog. Only one device can be placed on hold at a time.
- Patrons can also check out a device during library hours if one is available.
- Patrons will pick up a device on the day reserved. Patrons will have two days to check out the device before the hold is canceled.
- Patrons borrowing a Chromebook, iPad OR Hotspot will be required to sign an agreement of understanding.
- Patrons must present a current New Rochelle Public Library card with a photo Identification.
- Staff will ensure that the unit is intact and functional at the time of check out .
Loan Period and Renewals:
- The checkout period for Chromebooks, iPads, OR Hotspot is three weeks. Chromebook, iPad or Hotspot devices can be checked out for a three week (21 day) loan period. Chromebooks and iPads will be automatically renewed and the checkout period will be six weeks.
- All equipment must be returned on or by the due date to avoid late fees.
Return Procedure:
- NRPL Chromebooks, iPads or Hotspots must be returned in person to the New Rochelle Public Library. They cannot be deposited into the book drop.
- The Chromebook will be restored to factory settings upon return for privacy purposes. The patron is cautioned to save files on his/her flash drive, cloud account, or e-mail them as an attachment.
- iPad users are to sign out of their Apple Id account. Must delete any downloaded apps.
Fines and Liability:
- The borrower assumes all liability for the cost of repair or replacement in the event of loss, theft, damage, negligence, or misuse.
Replacement Costs:
- Chromebook – $250
- iPad – $250
- Hotspot-$50
- Power cord- $10
- Carrying case-$10
- Chromebooks returned during the week of the due date will not incur any late fees.
- The fine schedule after the week of the due date will be $5 per day with a maximum fine of $25.00.
- Chromebooks and IPADS will be automatically renewed and the checkout period will be six weeks.
- A patron’s privilege to check out a device may be suspended if the patron violates library policies.
Troubleshooting Problems & Questions:
- If a patron experiences problems or has questions about the device, they should call the Information Desk at 914-813-3718 OR 1-844-341-4834 (manufacturer).
- The borrower will be held financially responsible for any damage to a device.
- The New Rochelle Public Library will not assume responsibility for loss of data that may occur due to viruses, software failure, network failure, electrical failure.
- Chromebooks do not have filtering software and so the library will not be held liable for any inappropriate content viewed or accessed.
Adopted by the New Rochelle Public Library Board of Trustees on June 8, 2023.
Click here to view a printable version.
Haga clic aquí para ver una versión imprimible.
New Rochelle Public Library (NRPL) Policy Regarding Adults in Children’s Room & the Huguenot Children’s Library (HCL)
The NRPL Children’s Room and Huguenot Children’s Library (including their technology and restrooms) are intended solely for children (ages 0-12 years) with their caregivers.
Adults and teenagers are only allowed in the children’s area and HCL when they are accompanying a child or actively accessing the collections in these areas.
The library reserves the right to ask adults and teens to move to other areas of the building or to leave the Library if they are not assisting children, not accessing children’s materials in order to assist children in their care, or if they are in violation of the Library’s Code of Conduct Policy.
References: Code-of-Conduct-Policy-Final-2017.pdf
(approved and adopted January 12, 2023)
Revised and approved by New Rochelle Public Library Board of Trustees on November 14, 2024.
Click here to view printable version.
La sala infantil NRPL y la biblioteca infantil Huguenot (incluidos su tecnología y baños) están destinadas únicamente a niños (de 0 a 12 años) con sus cuidadores.
Los adultos y adolescentes sólo podrán acceder a la zona infantil y HCL cuando acompañen a un niño o accedan activamente a las colecciones de estas zonas.
La biblioteca se reserva el derecho de pedir a los adultos y adolescentes que se trasladen a otras áreas del edificio o que abandonen la biblioteca si no están ayudando a los niños, no acceden a los materiales infantiles para ayudar a los niños bajo su cuidado, o si violan las normas Política del Código de Conducta de la Biblioteca.
Referencias: Code-of-Conduct-Policy-Final-2017.pdf
(aprobado y adoptado el 12 de enero de 2023)
Revisado y aprobado por la Junta Directiva de la Biblioteca Pública de New Rochelle el 14 de noviembre de 2024.
Haga click aquí para imprimir.
New Rochelle Public Library
Museum Pass Policy
- Museum Passes are available to New Rochelle Public Library adult cardholders with library accounts in good standing.
- Passes may be reserved up to 1 month in advance and patrons may reserve passes using the online reservation system (available on our website here) or by phone (914-813-3718) or in person.
- Passes must be checked out and returned in person to the 1st Floor Information Desk at the main New Rochelle Public Library (located at 1 Library Plaza) no later than 15 minutes before closing time.
- Passes may be checked out for 3 days and may not be renewed.
- Patrons will be charged $10.00 for each day that the pass is overdue.
- Patrons will be charged $10.00 if the pass is returned in the book-drop or to any other library.
- Patrons will be charged the replacement cost of the pass if the pass is not returned within 1 week of the due date.
- Patrons are responsible for knowing the number of people allowed free entry with the Museum Pass that they borrow.
- Patrons are responsible for knowing the operating days and hours of the museum that they plan to visit.
- A person or family may borrow only one pass at a time and are limited to 4 reservations within a 30-day period.
- Per our agreement with the museums, the New Rochelle Public Library requests that a family not use 2 of the family’s library cards to reserve 2 passes to the same museum. Violating this rule may result in cancellation of the reservation and loss of future Museum Pass privileges.
- Patrons must cancel reservations that they cannot keep by contacting the library at 914-813-3718.
- Reservations should be cancelled 24 hours before the patron is scheduled to pick up the pass.
- A reservation that is not cancelled before the pick-up date will count as 1 of the 4 reservations allowed in a 30-day period.
- If a patron does not visit the museum after checking out the Museum Pass, the reservation will still count as 1 of the 4 reservations allowed in a 30-day period.
- The patron who picks up the pass must be the same patron whose name and number are on the reservation.
- When picking up the Museum Pass, the patron will sign a contract agreeing to all rules governing the Museum Pass Program.
- The New Rochelle Public Library reserves the right to refuse to issue a Museum Pass to a New Rochelle patron if the patron does not agree to the terms of the contract or has a history of not returning a pass on the due date or has not paid the late or lost fees that they have incurred.
Adopted by the NRPL Board of Trustees on February 8, 2018.
New Rochelle Public Library
Immigration Authority and Law Enforcement Visits to the Library and Requests for Documents Policy
The New Rochelle Public Library seeks to be a welcoming and safe destination for every resident of our diverse city and the Library is committed to evolving its facilities, programs, and services to meet the needs of New Rochelle residents. Our library is a hub of community activity – where locals come to read, learn, socialize, and engage in civic activity.
The New Rochelle Public Library’s mission is the bedrock of our Library. Our library is a community resource that seeks to improve the life of every resident in our city. It is dedicated to encouraging learning in all stages of life, to protecting intellectual freedom and to providing fair and equal access to information and we are guided by the commitment to our shared values.
Our Shared Values
The New Rochelle Public Library will fulfill this mission by embracing the following values:
▶ Build community by creating connections among New Rochelle’s diverse populations and neighborhoods
▶ Provide accessible, comfortable, inspiring, and well-maintained facilities where everyone feels welcome
▶ Invest in the technology required to create digitally literate citizens
▶ Offer a great library experience aided by friendly, knowledgeable, and well-trained staff
▶ Promote the literacy, learning, and civic engagement necessary for a vibrant and healthy democracy
▶ Serve every segment of our community 1
1 New Rochelle Public Library, “New Rochelle Public Library Strategic Plan 2022-2026” (New Rochelle, 2021) 6
The purpose of this policy is to address the issue of potential immigration authority visits, and requests for documents and to set forth procedures to follow if such a visit occurs.
The New Rochelle Public Library is an institution engaged in robust and consistent scholastic, cultural and education-related activities and events. It is the policy of the New Rochelle Public
Library to serve library users without regard to immigration status, and to respond to any inquiry or visit from Immigration & Customs Enforcement (“ICE”,) Homeland Security, and other federal agencies as it would to any other visit from law enforcement. To ensure compliance with this policy, the library shall adhere to the below procedures
when addressing requests from or the presence of ICE (“ICE Agents”,) Homeland Security, and other federal agencies in the Library.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is a law enforcement agency that must operate in accordance with the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the laws of the United States. 8 U.S. Code § 1357 defines the powers of immigration officers and employees.
- Inform the officer that the Library Director and/or legal counsel or appointed person in charge in case of the Director’s absence, is the individual authorized to respond to requests for records and information, and that library policy requires you to refer the officer to the specified person under the policy.
- The library employee in charge (defined as the Library Director or appointed person in charge in case of the Director’s absence) should ask the ICE Agent/other law enforcement officer for his or her name(s), badge number, and contact information. Record the information that appears on the identity card. If possible, verify the information with the local FBI office or the police department. Ask a colleague to be present during the interview with the officer. One person should take notes that may be useful if a record of the encounter is needed in the future.
“Public Areas” Defined: These areas include any areas within the two library buildings that the public is able to access, as well as the outdoor spaces on library properties. 2
ICE agents may enter places open to the public and question persons present in public places and conduct inquiries in accordance with their statutory powers under 8 U.S. Code § 1357.
How to Proceed: In the event that ICE Agents/other law enforcement officer enter the library and remain in the public areas, library employees will not impede their access to public areas or interfere with the visit unless ICE Agents/other law enforcement officer are disruptive as defined by applicable conduct rules of the Library, the person in charge (defined as the Library Director or appointed person in charge in case of the Director’s absence) may request that disruptive behavior be discontinued.
B. ICE AGENTS/OTHER LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER IN NON-PUBLIC AREAS OF THE THE NEW ROCHELLE PUBLIC LIBRARY, MAIN LIBRARY AND HUGUENOT CHILDREN’S LIBRARY:“Non-Public Areas” Defined: These areas include but are not limited to staff offices, any area behind the circulation desk, custodial areas, staff areas and offices, Friends’ book storage, maintenance areas, storage closets and other areas. The general public may not enter these non-public areas without permission. How to Proceed: In the event that ICE Agents/other law enforcement officer enter the library and wish to access a non-public area, the library employee in charge (defined as the Library Director or appointed person in charge in case of the Director’s absence) should follow these steps:
- Ask whether the agent(s) has a subpoena, court order, or duly executed signifier of statutory authority. This is required by law to search in non-public areas.
- If they do not have a subpoena, court order, or duly executed signifier of statutory authority, explain politely they do not have consent to enter the nonpublic area of the facility without a confirmed, written authority.
- If the ICE Agent tells you that he or she has a subpoena, court order, or duly executed signifier of statutory authority, ask to see it and ask to make a copy and file the copy along with an incident report.
Library employees will not attempt to determine whether the subpoena, court order, or duly executed signifier of statutory authority is valid; however, whenever possible, such documents should be reviewed by the library’s lawyer before non-public areas are accessed.
C. REQUEST FOR VOLUNTARY ASSISTANCE OR WARRANTLESS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS OR CUSTOMER INFORMATION (the officer does not present a subpoena or court order):When the ICE Agent/other law enforcement officer visits the Library, he or she may be seeking an individual, but he or she may also ask for documentation that includes library user information.
“Library User Information” Defined: “Library user Information” includes a user’s name, contact information, library card number, program participation, demographic information, records related to the circulation of library materials, computer database searches, interlibrary loan transactions, reference queries, requests for photocopies of library materials, title reserve requests, the use of audio- visual materials, films or records, and library security camera footage. This can be written information or information provided in a conversation, or information in another format. Library user information also includes whether the person is in the building at the time of the visit.
How to Proceed: In the event that ICE agents/other law enforcement officers enter the library and wish to access an individual’s information, the library employee in charge (defined as the Library Director or appointed person in charge in case of the Director’s absence) should follow these steps:
- Ask whether the agent(s) has a subpoena, court order, or duly executed signifier of statutory authority authorizing the library to provide access to the individual’s records.
- Refer to the New Rochelle Public Library’s Policy on
Confidentiality of Library Records and/or New York Civil Practice Laws and Rules Section 4509.
“Library records, which contain names or other personally identifying details regarding the users of the New Rochelle Public Library, including but not limited to records related to the circulation of library materials, computer database searches, interlibrary loan transactions, and reference queries shall be confidential and shall not be disclosed except to the extent necessary for the proper operation of the library. Such records shall not be made available except upon request or consent of the user, or as may be authorized pursuant to such process, order or subpoena of an agency of state, federal or local government relating to civil, criminal, or administrative discovery procedures or legislative investigative power.”
- Without a court order, neither the FBI nor local law enforcement has authority to compel cooperation with an investigation or require answers to questions, other than the name and address of the person speaking to the agent or officer. If the officer persists, explain that, as good citizens and in conformity with professional ethics, First Amendment freedoms, and state law, the library staff will not respond to informal requests for confidential information in the absence of a court order.
- If the officer claims that an emergency or other circumstance requires the Library to turn over records or provide information without a court order, call the Library’s legal counsel and ask for assistance*
- If the officer employs force to take possession of library records or other library property, do not obstruct the search in any way. Keep a written record describing the incident. Ask any witnesses to the incident to prepare a written record of the interaction between the officer and library employees or volunteers.
ICE agents can employ two different types of warrants in the course of their duties. One type of warrant is issued pursuant to the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) and is signed or issued by an ICE official or agent. These are called “administrative warrants.” Because they are not reviewed or issued by a court of law, administrative warrants do not authorize ICE agents to enter residences or non-public areas of a business without express consent.
ICE may also pursue court-issued subpoenas or warrants that are issued by a judge or neutral magistrate. Such warrants have the same force and effect as any other court-issued warrant.
How to Proceed: In the event that law enforcement officers enter the library and wish to access an individual’s information, presenting a subpoena or similar request for records, the library employee in charge (defined as the Library Director or appointed person in charge in case of the Director’s absence) should follow these steps:
- Accept the subpoena. Inform the officer that the Library’s legal counsel responds to subpoenas on behalf of the Library. A subpoena does not require an immediate response from the Library.
- Turn the subpoena over to the Library’s legal counsel.
- The Library Director or appointed person in charge will work with the Library’s legal counsel to respond appropriately to the subpoena. Examine the subpoena for any legal defect, including the manner in which it was served on the library, the breadth of its request, its form, or an insufficient showing of good cause made to a court. If a defect exists, legal counsel will advise on the best method to resist the subpoena.
- Through legal counsel, insist that any defect be cured before records are released and that the subpoena is strictly limited to require release of specifically identified records or documents. If there does not appear to be good cause for the subpoena, or if it seems too broad or intrusive, ask your attorney to file a motion with the issuing court to quash the subpoena in its entirety. Require that the agent, officer, or party requesting the information submit a new subpoena in good form and without defects.
- If a decision is made to comply with the subpoena after consulting with legal counsel, review the information that may be produced in response to the subpoena before releasing the information. Follow the subpoena strictly and do not provide any information that is not specifically requested in it.
- If disclosure is required, ask the court to enter a protective order (drafted by the Library’s counsel) keeping the information confidential and limiting its use to the particular case. Ask that access be restricted to those persons working directly on the case.
- Immediately ask the Library’s legal counsel to provide advice and assistance.
- Unlike a subpoena, a search warrant may be executed immediately. Ask to have Library counsel present before the search begins in order to allow Library counsel an opportunity to examine the warrant and to ensure that the search conforms to the terms of the warrant.
- If the officer refuses to delay the search, read the warrant and any attached documentation. Verify that it is signed by a judge; is issued by a local, state, or federal court in your state or county; and is current and has not expired. If you have questions about the validity of the warrant, call the issuing court to verify the validity of the warrant or order.
- Identify the items or records specified in the warrant. If the officer will not wait for legal counsel to arrive, you may assist the officer in locating the items or records identified in the search warrant in order to prevent review of other users’ records or items not named in the warrant.
- Do not agree to any additional searches, or volunteer information about the items or records in the warrant. Do not sign any documents on behalf of the Library without the advice of the Library’s legal counsel.
- Record and keep an inventory of the records or items seized from the Library. Ask if it is possible to provide copies to the officers or to make copies for the Library’s own records.
- Do not obstruct the search in any way.
- If the law enforcement officials are unwilling to cooperate with you, simply step aside and do not interfere with the officer. Continue your attempts to notify legal counsel, and make every effort to keep a written record of the incident. Ask any witnesses to keep a written record of the interaction between law enforcement officials and library employees and volunteers.
- Request that the officer sign an inventory receipt for the materials with a specific list of all materials seized.
- Provide all notes and records to the Library’s legal counsel. If a library worker is required to respond to a search warrant in the absence of the library director or a designated alternate, all materials should be turned over to the library director for coordination with legal counsel.
- Ask the LIbrary’s legal counsel for assistance.
- Read the order and any attached documentation. If it provides a period of time to respond to the order, respond to the order in the same manner as a subpoena. Except for legal counsel, do not inform other library staff or any other person about the order until authorized to do so by the Library’s legal counsel.
- If the order requires the immediate surrender of records or other items, respond to the order in the same manner as a search warrant. Ask the agent if he will delay the search until the Library’s legal counsel arrives.
- If required to turn over records or other items at once, do not notify any library staff except for legal counsel and those staff members necessary for the production of the requested records or other items. (For example, it may be necessary to ask a member of the information technology staff to assist with the production of electronic or computer records.) Instruct all staff members who assist in responding to the order that, with the exception of legal counsel, they cannot inform other library employees or any other person about the order unless authorized to do so by the Library’s legal counsel.
How to Proceed: In the event that an ICE agent(s) has detained an individual in the library and is leaving with the individual, the employee in charge (defined as the Library Director or appointed person in charge in case of the Director’s absence) should follow these steps:
- Do not assist the individual(s) in escaping or hiding, including using a backdoor or other staff- only exit.
- Do not make a false statement to the ICE agent(s).
- Do write a detailed incident report and file it with your library. If any behavior or concern by staff or other community member(s) occurred, discuss with appropriate leadership before finalizing the report.
* In some cases, especially those involving missing persons, law enforcement may ask you to voluntarily provide records immediately and give you the impression that it’s not possible to obtain a court order. It is important to remember that requiring a court order is neither unusual nor burdensome. Law enforcement officers have access to judges even after normal business hours. You can extend cooperation by preserving the desired records (or by keeping a computer turned on and making sure no one uses it) while the officer seeks a court order. There is a limited legal exception to the warrant requirement when “exigent circumstances” exist. If members of law enforcement believe an emergency truly exists, that there is inadequate time to obtain a warrant, and that they have probable cause for seizure of records, they may simply take custody of the records over the library’s objection. In this case, you should not interfere, but you should also indicate that you are not granting permission. This is necessary so that the law enforcement officials and not the library will bear responsibility and any legal risks associated with the decision to proceed without a warrant. A number of states make provision for exigent circumstances in the state’s library confidentiality statute. If so, precisely follow the law’s requirements.
Adopted by the NRPL Board of Trustees on January 31, 2025.
The New Rochelle Public Library welcomes children to use its facilities, resources and services. However, responsibility for the safety and security of children using the Library does not rest with library personnel, it rests with the parents, guardians or assigned chaperones (of the age of 14 or above) of those children (the “Responsible Persons” for children using the Library).
Parents and other caregivers should bear in mind that the Library is a public space, open to all who choose to enter, and the Library is not the guarantor of the safety of the children who use our facilities. Please do not ask Library staff to supervise your child so that you may leave the area or leave the building. Your child’s safety is a very important issue to us here at the Library, as it is to you. Working together we can create effective safety standards that will ensure our children’s utmost protection.
Parents or adult caregivers should monitor all activities and behavior of their children while they are in the Library. The Library staff person in charge will request that a child leave the premises if the Library Rules of conduct are not followed.
Children may use the Library unattended subject to policies adopted by the Library Board concerning behavior.
Children must be accompanied and supervised by a Responsible Person, as defined above, who assumes responsibility for him or her.
Disruptive children may, if necessary, be asked to leave the Library.
In the event of an emergency which forces the immediate closing of the Library, children should know what procedure to follow as determined by their Responsible Persons, as defined above.
If a child wishes to leave the Library, the Library staff cannot legally detain him or her.
Unattended children are placed in the care of a Children’s Services librarian, who will attempt to locate the child’s Responsible Person, as defined above.
If a minor or anyone under the age of 18 is left at the Library at closing time and in the event of an emergency situation, Library staff will attempt to contact the parents, adult caregivers or other Responsible Person, as defined above. If the parents, adult caregivers or other Responsible Persons cannot be contacted, the Library staff will immediately notify the police.
The Library staff cannot take legal responsibility for an unattended child in the case of a medical emergency.
The Library staff will not provide food, transportation or money to children.
Revised & Adopted by the NRPL Board of Trustees, January 2011.
Click here for a printable version.
New Rochelle Public Library Guidelines for Art Exhibits
- No one will be permitted to exhibit in the Library’s Main Gallery without prior approval by the library Art Review Committee.
- All artists shall be responsible for hanging their own shows. The library will provide an art cart, if needed, plus hanging materials (molding hooks and fish line) and general assistance. Any special requirements by the artist must be arranged well in advance of the exhibit.
- All work should be matted in white or off-white. Overly ornate frames are discouraged because they detract from the work.
- The Library will not assume responsibility for any special security or liability.
- All exhibitors must observe parking restrictions. The Library cannot provide free parking or assume responsibility for anyone who is parked illegally.
- Artists are expected to work within the confines of the exhibit area as it is set up. Special set-ups may occasionally be provided for special events, following advance arrangements and approval by the Library.
- The Lumen Winter Gallery of the New Rochelle Public Library is located in the lobby of the building which also serves as a public thoroughfare, unrestricted in visibility or access to anyone entering the building. Any artwork may be excluded from exhibit at t he discretion of the Library Director, or his designee. This principle also applies to specific location or prominence given to any work in an exhibit.
- Lightning for exhibits will be adjusted by Library personnel only. Anyone making unauthorized use of any Library equipment is liable for damages.
- Artists may use the Library’s Gallery facilities for a reception after Library hours only. The Library will waive the fee for the use of the building and will pay custodial costs for a maximum of two hours. All other costs of the reception will be incurred by the artist.
- The Library will provide invitations on a limited basis for the exhibit and/or reception at the artist’s request. If an artist wishes to prepare his/her own invitations, 70 of them should be made available to the Library for its own mailing list. These invitations should be no larger than 4″ x 6″. If larger, envelopes must be provided for mailing.
- A guest book will be provided by the Library for each exhibit. The artist may keep the original lists, with a copy of all comments made for the Library.
- Library personnel are not responsible for the selling of artwork. Artists are asked to provide the Community Relations Office with a price list for reference and a phone number for prospective buyers to call. The Library will obtain a special Main Gallery show insurance rider for all artwork as valued by the artist. Costs for this insurance rider will be underwritten by the Library. A 10% donation from all sales is requested by the Library.
Click here for a printable version.
New Rochelle Public Library Public and Community Relations
Non-Library Publicity Materials
Library Publicity Materials
Photography and Videography
New Rochelle Public Library
Request for Image Reproductions Policy
All copies sold for personal use are made with the understanding that the reproductions will be used in accordance with US copyright law and fair use provisions (and all other application laws and regulations), and are for one time use only. The individual requesting the reproduction assumes all responsibility for infraction of copyright and of any use exceeding fair use.*
Fees for commercial use and number of extent of use are delineated in the fee schedule on the Request Form. Fees for requests made by local schools and non-profit organizations may be negotiated. There is no charge for emailing images. A fee of $2.00 per image is required for postage and handling. All fees must be paid before a request will be processed. Requests may be made by post or email, using the accompanying Request Form.
*Copyright Status Undetermined
Warning concerning copyright restriction: The copyright law of U.S. (Title 17, United State Code) governs the making of photocopies of other reproductions of copyrighted material. Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be “used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research.” If a user makes a request, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of “fair use” that user may be liable for copyright infringement. This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying request if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the request would involve violation of copyright law.
Click here for a printable version, and click here for a request form.
New Rochelle Public Library
Collection Policy for Local History Room and Archives Center
The New Rochelle Public Library (NRPL) collects, organizes, preserves and provides access to a non-circulating collection of primary and secondary sources that document the history of the City of New Rochelle, its inhabitants, government, environment, businesses, institutions and organizations. The collection of new materials by donations from individuals and organizations enables the Library to add value to existing collections.
The collections include, but are not limited to, published books, photographs, government documents or facsimiles, maps, manuscripts, pamphlets, newspapers, serials, audio-visual materials, institutional or organization records, personal papers, electronic records, scrapbooks and other historical materials that relate to New Rochelle. The collections are housed in the E. L. Doctorow Local History Room and Archives Center. The Local History Room is accessible to the public, however patrons aged 18 years and younger must be accompanied by an adult.
The Library follows these criteria to select donations appropriate for local history collections:
- Relevance to New Rochelle
- Authenticity of record
- Suitability of the subject to the local history collection
- Non-duplication of material within the collection, or with other area archives
- Quality and integrity of material
- Cost to preserve, store and process
- Security requirements to store and/or display
- Restrictions by the donor
Donated items may be accepted in any format, including manuscript, print, or digital. Photographs and documents may be removed from their frames at the discretion of the Library if accepted into the collection. Three dimensional objects or artifacts will not be accepted by the Library unless they can be properly housed and are deemed appropriate to the collection.
The Library reserves the right to decline an offered donation. The Library will not accept material that can harm other material in the collection, such as anything that shows damage or infestation from mold, mildew, water, insects, smoke, or dirt. The Library reserves the right to decline donations which it cannot properly store, display, or otherwise care for.
Because history is created daily, materials that meet the selection criteria and add value to the collections of the Local History Room and Archives Center and will be accepted by the library, by appointment with the Library’s Archivist or Local History Librarian.
In order to establish the transfer of ownership, the Library requires a deed of gift to be completed by the donor and the Local History Librarian or Archivist.
The deed of gift documents the donation of property and transfer of copyright (if applicable) to the Library, and is signed by the donor. It also includes a complete description of the donated items and information regarding past ownership. The deed of gift establishes conditions (if any) governing the transfer of the title from the donor to the Library. Once the deed of gift is signed by the donor, the donated item becomes the property of the Library.
The Library will accept material with access-limiting restrictions only when the restrictions are reasonable and necessary to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the donor. Such restrictions will be recorded on the deed of gift and will specify a date when full access will be granted.
The Library reserves the right to decide how the donated material will be displayed or stored, how the item may be used by the public, and how long the item will be retained. Materials in the local history collection (especially photographs and negatives) may be scanned and placed on the Internet for viewing, may be moved from the local history collection to other sections of the library, may be sold, or may be transferred to another library.
From time to time, the Local History Collections will be reappraised and the deaccession of obsolete materials may take place. Materials are eligible for deaccession if one or more of the following conditions are met:
- Do not conform to the collection policy.
- Damaged or deteriorated to a degree to be unusable or harmful to other items in the collections
- Have seldom or never been requested for research
- Are duplicated in other readily accessible collections
The Library may offer deaccessioned materials to appropriate institutions or return them to the donor if indicated on the donor’s deed of gift.
NRPL strives to organize, preserve, and provide access to its archival collections of original documents according to standard procedures and best practices. A finding aid (a description of a collection with a container list) will be prepared for each collection, which will be accessible to the public unless restrictions apply. Materials in each named collection are organized in their the original order when possible and are stored placed in acid-free archival containers. The staff handling the Local History Room and Archives Center will follow the security practices and disaster planning set by the Library to protect collections from potential loss or damage.
The Library will not conduct any monetary appraisals for donors.
Adopted by the New Rochelle Public Library Board of Trustees on December 10, 2020. Click here for the printable version.
- Before the beginning of a monthly meeting, a sign in sheet will be available. Persons wishing to speak are asked to print their name, their address (and, if they wish, other contact information) and the topic of their comments.
- After the meeting has been called to order, a second sign in sheet will be available for persons wishing to speak who did not get to sign in on the first one.
- After calling the meeting to order, the president or presiding officer will review the first sign-in sheet and the meeting agenda and, in his or her discretion, decide whether to change the order of business.
- The president or presiding officer will then announce when the public comment item will take place on the agenda.
- When the public comment item is called, the speakers on the first list will be heard in the order that their names appear, followed by the speakers on the second list in the order that their names appear.
- Each speaker with have four minutes to comment.
- The NRPL reserves the right to engage in dialogue with each speaker as needed.
- The NRPL reserves the right to listen to the speaker, and/or review written submissions, and to reply to the speaker in writing.
- The total time for the public comment period will be limited to 60 minutes. If any speaker on the lists does not have a chance to address the board at the meeting, he or she may submit comments in writing.
The New Rochelle Public Library maintains the largest repository of archival materials and resources related to the community’s history. It is the only collection of New Rochelle local history that is indexed and fully accessible to the general public. The collection continually grows through library acquisitions and donations from the public. Much of the collection is located in the E. L. Doctorow Local History Room (ELD Room). Named in 1998 for the noted author who used the collection extensively while residing in New Rochelle, the ELD Room contains historical and other materials on New Rochelle, Westchester County, and New York State – including over 1500 non-circulating books, pamphlets, maps and atlases, photographs and CDs described in the Local History Index.
E.L. Doctorow Local History Room Rules
In order to protect and preserve the local history collection, all patron usage is subject to the following:
Patrons may request access to the ELD Room at the second floor reference desk. The ELD Room is to be used for local history research only. Access to the collection is subject to the discretion of library staff.
- Patrons shall sign the Registration Log at the Reference Desk.
- Patrons shall complete an Archives Reference Request Form.
- Patrons shall present identification (such as a driver’s license or library card), which is to be kept at the reference desk and returned after the patron has finished using the ELD.
- Patrons shall read and sign a Rules of Use and Consent Form.
Conduct and Responsibilities
Patrons must comply with the following rules. Patrons shall be subject to library staff supervision. Library staff may access the room during patron usage. Patrons who do not comply with these rules will be asked to leave the ELD Room and have their access to the ELD Room suspended.
- The Library’s Code of Conduct applies in the ELD Room.
- The ELD Room may not be used by more that three persons at one time. Persons under age 18 are allowed only when accompanied and supervised by an adult.
- Bags, backpacks, purses and coats are not allowed in the ELD Room. Patrons may make arrangements with library staff to secure these items in locked storage.
- Only pencils may be used for writing in the ELD Room.
- Materials in the ELD Room may not be marked or altered in any way. Patrons must maintain the condition of the materials at all times, and restore the order and organization of materials when finished. Adhesive note papers may not be used in the ELD Room.
- Materials in the ELD Room must be handled with utmost care; they must not be leaned on, written on, folded, or otherwise handled in any way likely to damage them.
- Materials in the ELD Room are to be used only in the ELD Room. The library staff may limit the quantity of materials provided for examination at any one time at its discretion. Permission to view originals or other archival materials of the Local History Collection is subject to the discretion of library staff.
- When the patron is finished in the ELD Room, all materials must be put in a designated reshelving area. Only library staff may return materials to their appropriate locations. The library reserved the right to inspect all materials in the ELD Room before the patron departs.
- The computer in the ELD Room is only for access to the library’s digital collections. Patrons who wish to use a computer for any other purpose must use other library computers.
- Materials in the ELD Room may be scanned or copied only with the permission and at the discretion of library staff.
- Copyright and other literary permissions are entirely the responsibility of the patron.
- Patrons must acknowledge the New Rochelle Public Library Local History Collection when any materials from this collection are cited in any publication.
Adopted by the NRPL Board of Trustees on October 10, 2013
Click here for a printable version.
New Rochelle Public Library
Freedom of Information Law Policy
- Obtain a NRPL FOIL Request Form from the Administrative Office or the Reference Desk.
- Submit the FOIL Request Form to the Record Access Officer or the Library Director
(1) in person in the Administrative Office,
(2) by mail addressed to
Library Director
1 Library Plaza
New Rochelle, NY 10801, or
(3) by email to
- Specify as much as possible the records requested for inspection or to be copied. Lack of specificity may cause a delay in providing the documents requested.
- You will receive a response within five working days, unless additional time is required, in which case you will be notified in writing within five working days and given a reason for the delay.
- If your request is denied, you may obtain a FOIL Appeal Form from the Administrative Office or by downloading [link to pdf] and submit the Appeal Form in person to the Board of Trustees in the Administrative Office.
- You may inspect or copy records in person at a mutually convenient time and date. A library employee must be present throughout the inspection. Records will be available for inspection from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday in the Administrative Office of the New Rochelle Public Library.
- Upon request, records also may be copied by library staff and picked up at the Circulation Desk at all regular NRPL hours. Prior to pickup, you will be charged a statutory fee of $0.25 per page and $1.00 per page for certification of records. Payment must be made by check or money order and made payable to the New Rochelle Public Library.
Adopted by NRPL Board of Trustees on June 11, 2015
Click here for a printable version.
Scheduling an exam:
- Advance notice of 1 week is required. There will be no drop-in test proctoring.
- Students who need a test proctored should direct the testing institution to contact the Reference Department at (914) 632-7878, ext. 3737 after checking our posted policy to see if it meets their needs. All telephone inquiries must be followed by a written request via a printable form available on our website and proctor agreement including all restrictions and requirements.
- Tests can be proctored during the library’s operating hours Monday—Saturday depending on staff availability. Please be aware that staffing is often limited after 5 on weekdays and on Saturdays.
- Student is responsible for arranging for the exam to be delivered to the library and determining that it has actually arrived.
- Student must provide all supplies for taking the exam: pens/pencils, paper, calculators, etc.
- Exams cancelled or postponed due to illness, weather or other unforeseen circumstances will be rescheduled as staffing allows.
- Proctor will check photo ID and make sure it matches name given for exam.
- Nature of the exam must be clearly stated: open book, closed book, online, written.
- Items allowed/prohibited in the test are must be clearly stated: calculator, student’s laptop, cell phone etc.
- The proctor will hand the student the exam, time the exam, use an institution-supplied password to log the test taker into an online exam, and collect the exam from the student at the appointed time.
- Every effort will be made to provide a secure location for the exam; however, we are a busy library and cannot guarantee that student will be under constant supervision during the test. Student will be checked periodically.
- The proctor will not sign a proctoring statement that attests to more than they are able to do. The proctor will not enter his/her personal information (Social Security #, driver’s license, home phone/address) on the proctoring materials.
- A contact number or email must be provided for the issuing institution in case any problems need to be resolved.
- Whenever possible, an enclosed study area will be made available to test takers; however, there may be times when only open areas of the library are available.
- For online exams, the library will make a public computer available to the student. With advance notice, time limits over 1 hour can be arranged so that the exam is not interrupted.
- It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that library computers are adequate for their test taking requirements
- The library cannot proctor online exams that require the installation of special software or the modification of existing computer settings. If the test taker uses a personal laptop, the library provides wireless access.
- Library staff will not advise or assist in configuring personal laptops or software.
Returning the Exam
- The library will not pay for postage or other shipping charges. If library staff is required to mail completed exam back to the testing institution the student or testing institution must provide the envelope or package as well as postage or tracking # if such is required. If the testing institution allows return via fax, that information should be included in the original instruction packet sent to the library. The library cannot assume responsibility for completed tests not received by the testing institution. The student must contact the institution to determine if the completed test was received.
- The library will not scan completed print exams and email them as attachments. The library will fax completed exams if requested.
- Copies of the exam are not retained after the exam is taken. Exams not completed by the student within 7 days will be shredded or returned to the testing institution if such return is requested.
Adopted by the NRPL Board of Trustees on May 3, 2012
Click here for a printable version.
New Rochelle Public Library
Policy on Tutors in the Library
The Library welcomes tutors and students and recognizes the benefit to the students and parents of the community of permitting tutoring within the library. The following procedures are intended to provide a balance between the use of the library by tutors and students and the use of the library by other members of the community:
- Students must be New Rochelle residents/attend school in New Rochelle.
- Preferred locations for tutoring include Teen Room and Homework Help areas on 2nd floor. Areas adjacent to service desks and public computers should be avoided to permit other library users to work undisturbed.
- Conversations or instruction should not be loud enough to distract other library users. The library is not to be used as a classroom or office space but as a quiet and safe workspace for students to receive instruction.
- If tutoring requires computer use, the computers in the Teen Room should be used. Students should have their own library cards and use their card to access library computers. Students with blocked cards will be given a guest card for usage as deemed necessary.
- Tutors and students are required to follow NRPL’s Code of Conduct regarding appropriate behavior in the library.
- Students must be under the tutor’s supervision at all times. The library assumes no responsibility for children left unattended.
- Tutors and students must bring their own supplies, such as paper, pens, paper, calculators, etc. They are welcome to use library materials, but if any materials are to be held at a service desk for extended use they must be checked out by either tutor or student. Materials with holds on them cannot be renewed.
- Meeting with parents/other tutors should be conducted either in private areas or outside the library.
Adopted by the NRPL Board of Trustees on February 8, 2018.
Click here for the printable version.
New Rochelle Public Library
Digital Video Surveillance Policy
The Library employs video security cameras to ensure the physical security of the Library facility, staff and patrons. A sign is posted at the library entrance informing the public that security cameras are in use. The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the placement and use of video security cameras, as well as the access and retrieval of recorded digital video images at the New Rochelle Public Library.
Security Camera Locations
Reasonable efforts are made to safeguard the privacy of library patrons and employees. The video security cameras are positioned to record only those areas specified by the Director, and will complement other measures to maintain a safe and secure environment in compliance with Library policies. Camera locations shall not be changed or added without permission of the Director.
Cameras may be installed in locations where staff and patrons would not have an expectation of privacy. Examples include common areas of the Library such as entrances, near book and media collections, and public seating. Cameras will not be installed in areas where staff and public have a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as restrooms; nor are they positioned to identify a person’s reading, viewing or listening activities in the library.
Access to Digital Images
Recorded digital video images may contain personally identifiable information about an individual who has used any library service or borrowed any library materials (“patron information”), and will be accorded the same level of confidentiality and protection provided to library users by the New Rochelle Public Library’s Confidentiality Policy. Typically, images will not be routinely monitored in real time unless specifically authorized by the Library Director. Only the Director is authorized to access the recorded digital video images in pursuit of incidents of criminal activity or violation of the Library Code of Conduct. Other staff members may be given authorization to access this equipment on a limited basis.
Occasional spot checks of the recorded data will be made by the Library’s Information Technology Manager to assure proper operation of the system and to review access procedures. The frequency of viewing and the amount of video reviewed at one time will be limited to the minimum needed to give assurance that the system is working and to verify compliance of access policies.
Use/Disclosure of Video Records
Video records and still photographs may be used by authorized individuals to identify those responsible for library policy violations, criminal activity on library property, or actions considered disruptive to normal library operations.
Video records and still records may be shared with authorized library employees when appropriate or, upon approval by the Director, other library staff to identify those suspended from library property and to maintain a safe, secure and policy-compliant environment.
Under certain circumstances, individuals authorized under this policy may use a still photograph or selected portions of recorded data to request law enforcement review for assessing the security risk of a specific individual or for investigating a crime on library property.
Law Enforcement Requesting Access to Security Camera Footage
Library staff and volunteers are required to refer any law enforcement request for security camera footage or still photographs to the Library Director. The Library does not make security camera footage or still photographs available to any agency, of federal, state, or local government unless a subpoena, warrant, or court order is issued pursuant to law. Before complying with any such requests, legal counsel is consulted to determine the proper response.
In the event of a search warrant, which is executable immediately, Library Administration will comply with the search warrant and consult with legal counsel. Upon receipt of a subpoena or other court order, Library Administration shall consult with legal counsel to determine if the document is in proper form and that good cause for its issuance in a court of proper jurisdiction is demonstrated. If not, Library Administration shall insist any defect be remedied before releasing records that contain patron information.
General Public Requesting Access to Security Camera Footage
Confidentiality/privacy issues prohibit the general public from viewing security camera footage. If a member of the general public wishes to obtain a copy of video footage they should make the request to the Library Director.
Retention of Digital Images
The Library avoids creating unnecessary records, retaining records not needed for the fulfillment of the mission of the Library, as well as practices that could place personally identifiable information on public view. Recorded digital video images are stored on hardware in a locked area in the Library. Recordings are retained for no longer than 14 days in accordance with the Library’s records retention schedule, unless required as part of an ongoing investigation or litigation.
Adopted by the New Rochelle Public Library Board of Trustees on May 7, 2015.
Click here for a printable version.
Regulations Regarding Use of, and Behavior in, the
Teen Room at the New Rochelle Public Library
The following is the policy regarding entry, use and expectations for behavior in the Teen Room of the New Rochelle Public Library.
- During after school hours (2:45 – Closing on weekdays), weekends, and school holidays, the Teen Room is “Teens Only.” Adults and younger children are welcome in the room only if accompanied by a teen. Adults are welcome to come in to select materials, but must leave after doing so if not accompanied by a teen.
- During all other hours, the Teen Room is open to all patrons, although special consideration will be given to teens who are in the library, and tutors and others serving teens who might need the space.
- At all times when not in use the Teen Room Digital Media Lab is to remain locked.
Adopted by the New Rochelle Public Library Board of Trustees on May 4, 2017.
Click here for a printable version.
New Rochelle Public Library
Policy on Confidentiality of Library Records
Library records, which contain names or other personally identifying details regarding the users of the New Rochelle Public Library, including but not limited to records related to the circulation of library materials, computer database searches, interlibrary loan transactions, and reference queries shall be confidential and shall not be disclosed except to the extent necessary for the proper operation of the library. Such records shall not be made available except upon request or consent of the user, or as may be authorized pursuant to such process, order or subpoena of an agency of state, federal or local government relating to civil, criminal, or administrative discovery procedures or legislative investigative power.
Adopted by the New Rochelle Board of Trustees on February 14, 2017
Click here for a printable version.
The purpose of this policy is to protect the interests of the New Rochelle Public Library (NRPL) when it is contemplating entering into a transaction or arrangement that might benefit the private interests of a Trustee or Employee of the NRPL. The NRPL will not enter into any such transaction or arrangement unless it is determined by the Board of Trustees to be fair reasonable, permitted by law and in the best interest of the NRPL at the time of such determination. This policy is intended to supplement, but not replace, any applicable state and federal laws governing conflicts of interest applicable to not-for-profit, charitable organizations and municipalities.
It shall be a conflict of interest for a trustee or employee to benefit personally from contracts made in their official capacity.
“Contract” is defined broadly to include any claim or demand against the NRPL or account or agreement with the NRPL, whether expressed or implied which exceeds the sum of $750.00 in any fiscal year.
“Interest” is defined as a direct or indirect benefit that runs to the trustee or employee as a result of a contract with the NRPL.
A trustee or employee is deemed to have an “interest” in:
- a firm, partnership or association in which he or she is a member or employee;
- a corporation in which he or she is an officer, director or employee; or
- a corporation in which he or she directly or indirectly owns or controls 5% or greater of the outstanding shares.
- A trustee or employee also is deemed to have an “interest” in a contract between the NRPL and his/her spouse, minor child or dependents, except for an employment contract entered into between the NRPL, a spouse, minor child or dependent of a board member authorized by §800(3) of the General Municipal Law.
Personal interests which are prohibited by law include:
- Interest in a contract with the NRPL where a trustee has the power, or may appoint someone who has the power, to negotiate, authorize or make payment or audit bills or claims under the contract, unless otherwise exempted by exception under law; and
- Interest by a Chief Officer, Treasurer or his/her Deputy or employee in a Bank or other financial institution that is used by the NRPL he or she serves, unless otherwise exempted by exception under law.
In order for the NRPL to enter into an enforceable contract where a trustee or employee of the NRPL has a prohibited conflict of interest which is not exempted by an exception to the law, the affected member, officer or employee must resign from his/her office or employment prior to the time that the board takes action upon the contract or liquidate his/her ownership interest above 5%.
A trustee or employee shall be deemed not to have a conflict of interest in any of the exceptions listed in §802 of the General Municipal Law, including:
- Contracts with membership corporations or other voluntary not-for-profit corporations or associations (e.g. Taylor Law collectively negotiated agreements, contract with a not-for-profit health services organization) – are exempt from the conflict of interest rules. No board member is prohibited from voting on collectively negotiated agreements which are applicable to his/her spouse or children;
- Contracts entered into by the NRPL with a person who is subsequently elected or appointed to the Board, office or employment remain valid, except the contract may not thereafter be renewed.
- A contract with a corporation of which the interest of the Board member, officer or employee, by reason of stockholding, is less than 5% of the outstanding shares.
- Contracts between the NRPL and a trustee or employee in which the total amount does not exceed $750.00 in any fiscal year.
- A contract with a person, firm, corporation or association in which a municipal officer or employee has an interest prohibited solely by reason of employment as an officer or employee of such other entity, if their compensation will not be directly affected as a result of the contract with the municipality or school district and duties do not directly involve the procurement, preparation or performance of any part of the contract except that such employee should recuse himself/herself from any deliberations or votes pertaining to such employees.
Disclosure Requirements
Board members, officers and employees must publicly disclose the nature and extent of any non-excepted interest they or their spouse have, will have or later acquire in any actual or proposed contract, purchase agreement, lease agreement or other agreement involving the NRPL (including oral agreements), even if it is not a prohibited interest under applicable law. Such disclosure must be in writing and made part of the official record of the NRPL. Disclosure is not required in the case of an interest that is an exception exempted under General Municipal Law §802; however, board members, officers and employees are encouraged to voluntarily make such disclosure.
If a board member is legally permitted to vote on a matter, but the matter is subject to disclosure by statute, or if the board member chooses to voluntarily disclose an excepted interest, the affected board member shall be the last member called to vote on such matter.
No board member, officer or employee shall:
- Use or attempt to use his or her official position to secure unwarranted privileges or exemptions for such officer or employee or others.
- By his or her conduct give reasonable basis for the impression that any person can improperly influence such officer or employee or unduly enjoy special favor in the performance of official duties, or that he or she is affected by the kinship, rank, position or influence of any party or person.
- Be in receipt of information regarding the NRPL, its officers, employees or agents, that involves allegations of criminal activity, other wrongdoing, or that may adversely affect NRPL operations and not report such information to the Board President or Director, who shall be obligated to report such information to the Board of Trustees at its next Board meeting.
No board member, officer or employee shall directly or indirectly solicit any gift or accept or receive any gift having a value of $75.00 or more under circumstances in which it could reasonably be inferred that the gift was intended to influence him/her, or could reasonably be expected to influence him/her in the performance of his/her official duties or was intended as a reward for any official action on his/her part. If a board member, officer or employee receives any gift having a value of $75.00 or more, such gift shall be returned.
Contracts willfully entered into in violation of Article 18 of the General Municipal Law regarding conflicts of interest are deemed void.
Bases for Removal
A board member may be removed from office for violating their oath of office and/or neglecting their duty.
The willful violation of Article 18 of the General Municipal Law is a misdemeanor and may also result in the Board member’s removal from office.
A board member may be removed from office upon the grounds of official misconduct for attempting to take official action on behalf of the board when such action is not authorized by statute, regulation or decisional law.
The willful receipt and retention of a gift having a value of $75.00 or more may result in removal from the Board.
A board member may be removed for failure to timely notify the Board President or Director of the receipt of information regarding the NRPL, its officers, employees or agents, that involves allegations of criminal activity, other wrongdoing, or that may adversely affect NRPL operations.
Discipline of Other Officers and Employees
An officer, other than a board member, or an employee may be subject to disciplinary action, including reprimand, fine, suspension or termination of employment, in accordance with due process of law, if applicable, for violating this policy.
The Director shall distribute to every board member, officer and employee in the NRPL the Conflict of Interest Policy. Each board member, officer and employee shall annually sign and submit to the Secretary of the NRPL a statement which affirms such person (a) has received a copy of this policy, (b) has read and understands this policy, and (c) has agreed to comply with the policy.
In accordance with §807, General Municipal Law, the Director must ensure that a copy of Article 18, General Municipal Law is posted in a conspicuous place.
Adopted by the New Rochelle Board of Trustees on February 14, 2017
Click here for a printable version.
New Rochelle Public Library
Circulation Policy
Library Card Eligibility
New Rochelle residents and property owners are eligible for a library card. If you do not live in Westchester, but attend a New Rochelle school or are employed by a New Rochelle business, you are eligible to apply for a New Rochelle Public Library card. Westchester residents not living in New Rochelle should apply for a library card at their local library.
Children of any age may apply for their own library card, accompanied by a parent or legal guardian with a photo ID. Students in middle school and high school may apply for a card on their own with a current school schedule or school ID.
Acceptable proof of ID and residency are any one of the following:
- Driver’s license or NY State ID with current New Rochelle address
- Photo ID from a consulate or embassy with current New Rochelle address
- Valid School ID from a New Rochelle School
- Individuals living in temporary housing who bring a letter from their housing administrator confirming residency will be issued a guest card.
If photo ID does not show current address, residency may be proven by providing two of the following:
- Property tax bill
- Utility bill
- Rent receipt or lease
- Recently canceled mail sent to your name and current New Rochelle address
- Documentation of employment in New Rochelle
In circumstances where the above noted proof of residency is not available, other evidence of residency may be considered by the Director on a case by case basis.
The library will not retain copies of identification.
You may also apply for a library card online. Fill out this form (English or Spanish). You will be notified via email when your card is ready to pick up. Please bring proof of current New Rochelle residency (as detailed above) to the library Registration Desk to show when you pick up your card.
For any person who cannot meet the above criteria, a non-resident card is issued by the Westchester Library System for one (1) year at a cost of $75.00.
Borrowing Privileges
A library card is required of all patrons who wish to borrow materials. Library cards are not transferable, each patron must use their own card and be a library card holder in good standing. A library card holder in good standing does not have any lost or damaged items, or ”claims returned” on their account.
Patrons are responsible for materials borrowed. Lost material or material returned damaged will be charged the cost to replace the item. The Library no longer charges overdue fines. However, loan periods remain the same. Loan periods are as follows:
Item | Loan Period |
Children’s and adult DVDs and videos | 7 days |
Express/7-day books | 7 days |
Magazines | 7 days |
Adult & YA books, audiobooks, and music CDs | 21 days |
Children’s books, audiobooks, and music CDs | 21 days |
Borrowing privileges will be suspended if:
- $25.00 or more is owed on a card
- There are three or more “lost” items or “claims returned” on a card
Patrons with long overdue material or outstanding fines may have their account sent to a collection agency.
Holds/Intralibrary loans
One of the many benefits of being a New Rochelle Public Library cardholder is that patrons may request material from any library within the Westchester Library system. There is a limit of 20 reserves per patron at any one time. Hold items must be picked up by the person who placed the hold. Please see our borrowing privileges policy, “Library cards are not transferable.” The one exception is a parent picking up a hold for their child. Hold items are held for eight (8) days. If the item is not picked up within that time, it will be returned to the lending library or passed along to the next patron in the holds queue.
Interlibrary Loans (from outside the Westchester Library System)
In addition to having access to the many items within the Westchester Library System, patrons may also request books from libraries outside of our system. Interlibrary loan requests are limited to print material. Requests for Interlibrary Loan materials must be initiated, picked up, and returned to the same library. All interlibrary loans have a loan period of 4 weeks with NO renewals. Overdue charges for Interlibrary loans are $2.00 per day.
Home Bound Policy
The New Rochelle Public Library wants to keep our patrons ‘in books.’ The library will deliver books and audiobooks door-to-door for those patrons who are unable to get to the library due to a permanent or temporary condition. If you are a New Rochelle Public Library cardholder and a New Rochelle resident and find yourself unable to get to the library, please inquire about this service. Books can be delivered to you every three weeks once your application is reviewed and accepted. Call (914) 632-7878, ext. 3720 and ask for information on homebound delivery.
Adopted by the New Rochelle Public Library Board of Trustees on April 13, 2017.
Click here to view a printable version.
This policy facilitates library purchases and established guidelines for the use of credit cards issued by the New Rochelle Public Library staff. This policy provides internal controls to ensure that employees comply with all applicable laws.
Credit cards are the property of the New Rochelle Public Library. Credit cards may be provided to employees holding certain positions within the New Rochelle Public Library as determined by the Board of Trustees and the Director.
Library credit cards shall have spending limits determined by the Director and approved by the Board of Trustees.
Use of Library credit cards shall be strictly limited to proper library purposes. Under no circumstances shall a library credit card be used for, or approved for personal use.
All users of credit cards must submit proper documentation to the administrators in the 3rd floor Administrative Office of the Main Library Branch, for all charges in a timely fashion, so that finance charges are not incurred due to late payment (see Credit Card
Procedures below).
Before being issued a library credit card or receiving authorization to use a library credit card, employees must complete and sign the acknowledgement form stating that they understand and will comply with the library’s credit card policy. The credit card may not be used by anyone other than the individual to whom it is signed out. If the credit card is lost or stolen, the Library Director must be notified immediately. The Library Director must report the loss to the Library’s Board of Trustees. If any library staff becomes aware of unauthorized or fraudulent use of any of the library’s credit card accounts, the same must be reported immediately to the Library Director and the Library’s Board of Trustees.
Credit cards are the property of the library and must be returned to the employee’s supervisor upon termination of employment with the library.
Credit Card Procedures
Expenses may be incurred with the credit card only if all of the following conditions are met:
- Expenditures must be within the guidelines of the particular activity of the approved budget. The card is not to be used for any personal expenses.
- Purchases may not exceed the card’s credit limit. There are no exceptions
- The credit card may not be used for cash advances.
- All requests to use the credit card must be emailed to the Library Director and the Director must preapprove the use.
- Proper documentation to support the expenditure must be submitted to the Administration for approval by the Director prior to the receipt of the monthly statement. Proper documentation is to include:
- Original itemized paid receipt indicating the amount paid, the vendor, and the itemized description of the purchase.
- In the case of book orders, subscriptions or similar types of orders, a copy of the order form document, and packing slip, or other receiving document must be attached when submitting receipts for payment.
- A hardcopy printout of the items ordered on-line.
- Examples of documentation not allowed:
- Non-itemized cash register receipts.
- Handwritten requests without receipts of other verification.
Approved by the Board of Trustees on December 12, 2024
Annual Credit Card Policy Employee Agreement and Acknowledgement
This card is issued to you on a temporary basis, and remains the sole property of the New Rochelle Public Library. The right to use this card may be revoked at any time without warning by the issuing bank authority or by the New Rochelle Public Library.
By accepting this card it is understood that you are personally responsible for any unauthorized or inappropriate use of the credit card.
I hereby acknowledge that I have received a copy of the New Rochelle Public Library’s Credit Card Policy and the protocols for its use. I have read the policy and protocols and clarified with my supervisor any questions regarding its provisions.
I fully understand and accept my personal responsibilities and liabilities involving the use of the credit card issued to me, and agree to comply with all requirements. I understand that any inappropriate use of the card, or violation of the policy, may result in disciplinary action and possible garnishment of my wages.
Signed: ___________________________________ Date: ______________
Director: Eugenia Schatoff
Signed: ___________________________________ Date: ______________
Board of Trustees Approval:
Signed: ___________________________________ Date:____________
Approved by the Board of Trustees on December 12, 2024
Click here for printable version.
New Rochelle Public Library Board of Trustees Vacancy Policy
Whenever a vacancy on the Board of Trustees shall occur for any reason, the vacancy shall be filled at the next duly scheduled election. The Board of Trustees may appoint an interim trustee to serve until the next annual election, at which time the remainder of the term shall be filled by a candidate duly elected at such election. Approval of an interim trustee shall be made by a vote of two thirds of the members of the Board of Trustees, providing that notice of the proposed appointment has been sent to each Library Trustee at least five days prior to the meeting of the Board of Trustees at which time the vote will take place.
Adopted by the NRPL Board of Trustees on June 13, 2019.
Click here to view the printable version.