Computer Access

Click here for a listing of computer classes currently being offered. You may register online or stop by the information desk on the 2nd floor.
Intro to Social Media
Understand basics and functions of social media platforms such as Meta, Instagram and LinkedIn
Intro to Cyber Security
Learn how to be safer online with accounts/passwords, overview of frauds/scams
How to Create Your Own Flyer
Learn to create a flyer to promote an event, information, or to sell your stuff.
Intro to Selling on Ebay
Learn how to search for, bid on, and buy items using Ebay
Intro to Excel
Learn how to work with numbers and data by creating spreadsheets
Intro to Mobile Apps
Learn about some of the most popular apps for books and movies
Get Your Email Up and Running Using Gmail
Learn how to manage emails: search, label, delete and other helpful tools
Intro to Word
Learn how to type documents, edit, save and print
Consejos y Trucos de Correo Electrónico
Aprenda a administrar correos electrónicos: buscar, etiquetar, eliminar y otras herramientas útiles
Redes Sociales/Seguridad Cibernética
Comprender los conceptos básicos y las funciones de las plataformas de redes sociales como Meta, Instagram y LinkedIn. Aprenda cómo estar más seguro en línea con cuentas/contraseñas, descripción general de fraudes/estafas
GCF Learning
From the Goodwill Community Foundation Inc., this free online educational website focusing on technology, job training, reading, and math skills.
Digital Learn
collection of video-based tutorials to help inexperienced and low-level learners with computers and the internet.
Linkedin Learning
Thousands of online courses to learn in-demand skills from real-world industry experts. Get started with your library card.
How to Reserve a Computer
Residents of New Rochelle and Westchester County need a valid library card to reserve selected public-access internet computers at the library. All guest users must see the librarian for assistance. Computers may be reserved in advance. Call the Reference Desk at (914) 813-3737 and request the time you wish to use a computer. When at the library you may log onto any unused computer without making a reservation or use the Reservation Station to schedule the next available computer when all computers are in use.
How to Print Your Document
Printers are available on each floor of the library. You may buy a print card or use cash to retrieve your print jobs. Printing costs $0.20 per black & white page and $0.50 per color page, and requires the purchase of a $0.50 print card.
WiFi Printing
Did you know that patrons can send documents to the library for printing from just about anywhere? There are several different methods, use the one that best suits your needs.
- Click here and upload your document. You will be asked to enter an email address, that email address will be used to collect your print job at the library.
- Download the PrinterOn app for your smartphone or tablet, click here.
- Email the document you wish to print:
For black & white printing, send your email to
For color printing, send your email to
To retrieve a print job, just stop by the library’s print release stations located at the Main Library’s 1st and 2nd floors. All print jobs will be held for 2 hours. Printing costs $0.20 per black & white page and $0.50 per color page, and requires the purchase of a $0.50 print card.
The New Rochelle Public Library is pleased to offer Chromebooks and iPads, along with Hotspots for lending. The Chromebooks, iPads and Hotspots are available to be checked out to New Rochelle residents with valid a NRPL library card.
Guidelines for Borrowing and Use
- 18 years or older to check out a Chromebook, iPad or Hotspot
- New Rochelle Library Card in good standing (Only NRPL card holders may check out Chromebooks, iPads and Hotspots) and photo ID must be provided at check-out.
- Borrower is limited to checking out one (1) device at a time
- Chromebook, iPad or Hotspot devices can be checked out for a three week (21 day) loan period. Chromebooks and iPads will be automatically renewed and the checkout period will be six weeks.
For Chromebook availability, please click here.
For iPad availability, please click here.
For Hotspot availability, please click here.
The New Rochelle Public Library
Policy on Public Use of the Internet
Guidelines on Access to Information
The New Rochelle Public Library is guided by the following American Library Association statements on access to information:
The Library Bill of Rights
Freedom to Read Statement
Freedom to View Statement
To fulfill its mission of providing public access to information of all types in a wide range of formats, the Library provides access to Internet resources.
The Library is guided by a commitment to access to information policies that provide appropriate protections to its users while being consistent with the Library’s longstanding commitment to the principles of free expression as set forth in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Staff Assistance and Instruction
Library staff will assist users with the Internet as time permits. For adult assistance, see the second floor information desk. For assistance with children’s use of the Internet, see the staff in the children’s area. For free Internet instruction, see the Calendar* for topics and schedule of classes.
Choosing and Evaluating Sources
Information found on the Internet may be inaccurate, incomplete, dated, or offensive to some individuals. The Library specifically encourages users to evaluate the validity and appropriateness of information found. The Library also specifically disclaims any warranty or endorsement of information accessed on the Internet. The Library assumes no responsibility for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from the use of its electronic services, or from its connections to Internet services though any Internet service provider.
Access by Minors
Library users access the Internet at their own discretion. As with library materials, the restriction of a child’s access to the Internet is the responsibility of the parent/legal guardian. Library staff reserve the right to terminate a minor’s Internet session if the site/content is judged inappropriate. With regard to children and teenagers, the library recommends that parents/legal guardians take an active interest in their children’s online use.
Rules Governing Use
The Library reserves the right to limit the amount of time for an Internet session and the number of sessions per day for an individual user as well as to set limits on accessing, downloading and/or printing large files. The Library further reserves the right to exercise discretion in any matter concerning Internet usage in the Children’s Room. Users must comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, including laws governing the transmission and dissemination of information while accessing the Internet, and with all Library policies and procedures. This policy applies to all Library Internet usage, regardless of the source of the Internet connection or the ownership of the device accessing the Internet.
Prohibited Uses
Users may not use the Internet:
To make unauthorized entry into any communication service or resource.
To invade the privacy of others.
In violation of copyright law, program or data licenses, or other intellectual property protections.
To view provocative sexual imagery.
To engage in any activity that is harassing or defamatory.
To make any attempt to alter or damage computer equipment or software.
To access any social networking site in the Children’s Room, unless it is either school related or authorized by staff.
In a manner inconsistent with the Library’s tax-exempt status or its proper operation.
For any illegal activity.
Public Users’ Security
Users should be aware that the Internet is not a secure medium and that third parties may be able to obtain information regarding users’ activities. The Library will not release information on the use of specific Internet resources by members of the public except as required by law or necessary for the proper operation of the Library.
Safe Communications
The Library recommends the following guidelines for adults and minors when using the Internet:
Never give out identifying information, such as name, social security number, personal account information, home address, school name or telephone number about yourself or any other person.
Let parents or guardians decide whether personal information such as age, family or financial information should be revealed.
Never arrange a face-to-face meeting with someone via the computer without parents’ or guardians’ approval.
Never respond to messages that are suggestive, obscene, threatening, or make one uncomfortable.
If anyone becomes aware of the transmission of child pornography, notify staff immediately.
Remember that people online may not be who they say they are.
Remember that everything communicated online may not be true.
When you are finished, remember to log out of your Internet account and terminate your Internet session. Never select an option to store or remember passwords.
The Library reserves the right to take appropriate action to insure compliance with this policy. Violations may result in loss of access. Unlawful activities will be dealt with in an appropriate manner.
Adopted by the New Rochelle Public Library Board of Trustees on April 13, 2017.
Click here to view a printable version.