Strategic Planning at NRPL
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Strategic Plan?
The purpose of a strategic plan is to outline the Library’s mission, goals, activities, and intended results, and describe how the Library is meeting the service needs of its community and its participation in meeting statewide library service goals.How Often Does the New Rochelle Public Library Create a Strategic Plan?
The New York State Education Department requires that all public library systems develop a five-year Plan of Service that serves as the basic agreement between the State and the governing board of the Library, making possible the payment of state aid to the system. Failure to have a strategic plan puts the Library’s eligibility for state grants (such as Construction, Arts & Culture, Economic Development, etc.) at risk.
The strategic planning process is led by the Director and Board of Trustees of the New Rochelle Public Library (NRPL). Due to the pandemic, the planning process for an updated plan was delayed, and in May of 2021, the Board of Trustees embarked on the process of creating the strategic plan to be implemented 2022-2026. The five-year plan was released in April 2022.
What was the Process for Creating a Strategic Plan?
The Board of Trustees engaged Public Works Partners, an independent consulting firm, to plan and facilitate the strategic planning process which included gathering and analyzing input from:
- Library patrons
- Library staff
- The broader New Rochelle community
- Leadership of The New Rochelle Public Library Foundation (NRPLF) and the Friends of the New Rochelle Public Library. These organizations raise funds to support the Library’s robust programming and initiatives such as The Museum Pass Program, computers in the libraries, facility renovations, and more.
- Other stakeholders and community partners
Input was gathered through a survey administered to the public both online and via paper copies available throughout New Rochelle. Two Town-Hall style meetings were held to encourage the New Rochelle community to participate in providing input on how they’d best like to be served by their library. Working groups with the Board of Trustees, Library staff and others were also held.
The NRPL Director and Board of Trustees are grateful to Public Works Partners for their work in creating this strategic plan, and to the New Rochelle community for their input and contributions to the evolution of our library.
If you have additional questions, please email Thank you for being an integral part of our community!
A Physical Conditions Assessment of the Library’s Main Branch and Huguenot Children’s Library (HCL) was undertaken at the end of 2019. The final report, issued at the end of February 2020, found that both buildings are in fair condition with repairs required to abate routine wear and tear and deferred capital improvements.
Haven’t There Been Renovations at the Libraries?
Yes, capital improvements to the physical plant and aesthetics have already been undertaken by the NRPL over the last 10+ years at the Main Branch. Those improvements have included, but are not limited to:
- Renovation of the Children’s Room at the Main Branch
- Renovated Teen Services space at the Main Branch
- Upgrades to the 2nd floor, including new furniture, fixtures and energy efficient lighting, as well as additional laptops in the Handelman Business Opportunity Center and Teen Room.
- Lobby upgrades
- Renovated public restrooms
- Relocated and expanded Friends of the New Rochelle Public Library book store
- new boiler
- A new cooling tower
- New sprinkler-system infrastructure and branch piping in the basement and first floor
- New entrances at Lawton Street and Memorial Highway
- New circulation and registration desk
- New seating for the theater
- Elevator upgrades
What Else Needs to Be Done Regarding the Library Buildings?
Ongoing improvements and routine maintenance to the Library continue on an ongoing basis. However, there are substantial improvements that still need to be made to ensure the facility will be able to meet the needs of its patrons now and in the future. Please see below for the full building assessment.
- Public and staff areas in the Main Branch need to be brought up to current ADA accessibility code
- Additional restroom facilities for the general public need to be added at the Main Branch.
- Main Branch air handlers and electrical systems require replacement, as they are from the original 1979 conversion of the building to the Main Branch, and have reached the end of their service life.
- The sprinkler system infrastructure and branch piping on the second and third floors of the Main Branch need to be replaced.
- The facade of the Main Branch needs to be repaired
- The roofs of the Main Branch and HCL need to be replaced
- Windows at the Main Branch need to be updated
- The patio at HCL needs to be renovated.
- Air circulation at HCL needs to be updated.