Research, Directories and More

Research and Databases


HeritageQuest is a database for genealogical and historical research that provides NRPL library card holders access to census records, the Social Security Death Index, immigration records, Freedman’s Bank of African Americans 1865 -1874, City Directories, and other public records.

Gale Legal Forms

Gale Legal Forms, made available through NOVELNY, is an online tool that lets you create professional quality legal documents applicable for the state of New York.

1.Browse by main categories or use the popular forms buttons
2. Scroll down the list to find the applicable form
3. Fill in required fields online, submit, and print out your form

ProQuest Digital Microfilm

Full-image archived content of Journal News (2010-Current) AND New York Times (2008-Current).


Business Insights: Essentials

Detailed company and industry news that includes profiles, company histories, brand information, rankings and investment reports, etc.


General OneFile

One-stop source for news, magazine, and periodical articles across a wide range of general interest topics and academic disciplines.


Academic OneFile

Academic OneFile is the premier source of peer-reviewed full-text scholarly content across the academic disciplines.


Directory of Open Access Journals

A service that covers free, full-text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals.


Infotrac Newsstand

Provides access to full-text newspapers and allows users to search articles instantly by title, headline, date, newspaper section, or other fields.


NYS Newspapers

Collection of ten major newspapers published in New York State, searchable by section, keyword or relevance.


APS Journals

The American Physical Society is the world’s second largest organization of physicists and publishes more than a dozen scientific journals including the prestigious Physical Review and Physical Review Letters. (In Library use only.)


Westchester Library System

Find more research tools on the WLS site.
